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wooyoung wakes up feeling very groggy

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wooyoung wakes up feeling very groggy. he looks at the time on his phone. he had slept at least fourteen hours. he groans as he drags his hands down his face. to be honest, he felt disgusting. his hair felt oily and he hadn't brushed his teeth before falling asleep. wooyoung flops out of bed, quickly glancing at the other boys still fast asleep under their blankets. he tiptoes towards the bathroom door, it was only just getting light out so hopefully no one would wake up anytime soon.

after successfully entering the bathroom, wooyoung gets straight into the shower. somehow, some of the juice from his sweater had gotten into his hair and it felt sticky and gross. he turns on the water, letting it run through his hair and down his body for a moment as he takes in the calming silence of the morning.

he sighs and furrows his brows. everyone at the orientation trip probably has had their own thoughts about him confirmed. that he's a complete asshole. a spoiled brat that only cares about his grades. wooyoung combs the water through his hair. he looks down to the tattoo on his rib cage. sin prosa sin pausa. the tattoo meaning 'don't hurry but don't stop'. wooyoung had gotten this tattooed in his teenage years, without his parents knowing. they still haven't found out about it. it was a saying that a friend had told him once as a kid.

"sin prosa sin pausa, wooyoung. it means 'don't hurry but don't stop'. i think you're hurrying a little too much through life right now. take your time to enjoy the things and the people around you."

wooyoung smiles, thinking back on the memory. that friend, he had a big impact on wooyoung and his view of the world. but sadly, wooyoung's family moved away not long after they had met.

wooyoung continues thinking about the boy from his past as he lathers his hair in shampoo. since they'd only known each other for a short amount of time, wooyoung couldn't remember what he looked like or remember his name. and that frustrated him, a lot. he would never be able to find that person that meant so much to him at the time.

wooyoung nearly jumps out of his skin when he hears a soft knock on the bathroom door.

"is anyone in there?" wooyoung hears san's quiet voice call out to him in a whisper.

"duh, can you not hear the shower?" wooyoung snaps back, wincing as he instantly regrets it.

"i just wanted to make sure you were okay. you've been in there for an hour, wooyoung."

wooyoung gasps. he hadn't noticed the time pass since their wasn't a window or a clock in the bathroom.

"i'm fine. i'll be out in a minute." he huffs and quickly rinses the remaining shampoo from his hair.

he finishes washing himself in a hurry and is out of the shower in five minutes. he changes into a t-shirt and sweats and puts some toothpaste on his toothbrush before walking out of the bathroom, hair still dripping water straight into his eyes.

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