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wooyoung watched as yeosang fumbled with the key to their dorm, struggling to figure out how to unlock the door

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wooyoung watched as yeosang fumbled with the key to their dorm, struggling to figure out how to unlock the door. yeosang looked up at wooyoung, a helpless look in his eyes.

"just give it to me." wooyoung scoffed as he reached his hand out for the key.

yeosang quickly complies and hands the dorm key over to his best friend.

"woo..." yeosang starts, quietly.

wooyoung hums, not looking up from the door lock.

"don't listen to what seonghwa said, okay? he doesn't know what he's talking about." yeosang eyes the younger man concernedly.

"i know, i'm fine, seriously. it really doesn't bother me anymore yeo." wooyoung looks up as he unlocks the door, a smirk appearing on his face. "see it wasn't that hard."

yeosang rolls his eyes, noticing wooyoung's obvious avoidance of the topic and pushes past wooyoung into the dorm.

the duo step inside into the slim hallway. on the left of the door there are four rooms lining down the hallway. on the right is a bathroom and a small living space, at the end of the hallway there is another small bathroom.

"wow, its actually bigger than i thought it would be." wooyoung expressed with a small huff of air.

the two walk down through the hallway and explore their new living space. they peek into the bathroom on their right quickly before continuing to explore the rest of the rooms. the bathroom was very simple, just a sink, a toilet, and a very small shower at the end. on the left was the first bedroom. the bedrooms were also extremely simple. on the left was a small dresser, and then a twin sized bed. on the right was a bookshelf and a desk. as they made their way farther down the hall they glanced into the other bedrooms as well. they were all the same size with the same decorations as well, except for the one at the end, which was a little bigger. their living room consisted of a small love seat, a coffee table, and a television. the bathroom at the end of the hall was the same as the one they checked earlier, but it had a bathtub instead of a shower.

"i call dibs on the room at the end." wooyoung swiftly says as he runs into his new room, placing his luggage inside.

"no fair woo." yeosang whines and rolls his eyes, dragging his luggage into the room next to wooyoung's.

"no but seriously, these dorms are really nice." wooyoung calls out to yeosang as he unpacks his clothes into the dresser.

"for real." yeosang calls back. "yo woo, wanna go get some ramyeon at the convenience store once were finished unpacking?"

"you already know the answer to that yeo." wooyoung rolls his eyes to himself, a small smile appearing on his face.

"so, yes?"


about an hour and a half of unpacking later, the duo finally puts their coats on and walks out the door.

"why is it so cold?" wooyoung pulls his jacket tighter around his body and shivers.

"i mean its September, its not that surprising." yeosang replies, tone full of sarcasm.

wooyoung shoots his best friend a glare. "it was a rhetorical question, dumbass."

"i just thought you were asking because you didn't know." yeosang shrugs his shoulders. "i wouldn't put it past you."

"bitch!" wooyoung kicks his leg at yeosang playfully. "fuck you."

with both boys cackling and bickering, they walk into the convenience store, scanning the shelves of all the different ramyeon options.

"what're we feeling today..."  wooyoung mutters under his breath as he studies the different labels, brows scrunched together.

"yeo, what are you going to get-" wooyoung turns his head to ask his friend, only to see him at the end of the aisle chatting with a random classmate of theirs.

wooyoung bites his lower lip, sighing. he turns around to look at the ramyeon again, only to be met by familiar dark brown eyes staring down at him.

great. wooyoung rolled his eyes, totally not in the mood to be ridiculed by someone he doesn't know. he shoots san a cold glare before grabbing a random package of ramyeon and walking past him, aggressively bumping shoulders with him in the process.

san scoffs to himself as the shorter walks around the corner of the aisle. asshole.

at the counter, wooyoung puts down the ramyeon he grabbed from the shelf and goes to pull his wallet from his pocket.

"hold on a minute." wooyoung mumbles to the staff at the counter, brows scrunched as he pats his pockets in search of his wallet.

wooyoung glances behind him to look for yeosang but finds the aisle where he was standing to be completely empty. sighing, he turns back to the worker. i can just eat later.

"here, i'll pay." the familiar voice that wooyoung has been hearing a lot recently speaks up from behind him, causing wooyoung to jump.

"no, it's okay." wooyoung tries to reason with the taller, but to no avail.

"thank you, have a nice day sirs." the worker smiles after scanning san's card, handing him his receipt and the two packs of ramyeon.

wooyoung rolls his eyes as san hands him the ramyeon. "you didn't have to pay, i wasn't that hungry anyway." he grumbles.

"shut up and eat the ramyeon." san pats wooyoung's arm and swiftly walks out of the convenience store.

wooyoung, scoffing, places his stuff down by the window and fills his ramyeon up with boiling water before sitting down with his stuff.

wooyoung pulls his phone out from his pocket while he waits for his ramyeon, a couple of messages from yeosang waiting for him.

yeo hyung: hey woo
yeo hyung: a classmate told me one of the professors is looking for me rn
yeo hyung: i had to go but make sure to eat without me
yeo hyung: i'm sorry :(
yeo hyung: i'll see u in a couple hours ♡

biting his lip, wooyoung places his phone down to the side after sending his best a thumbs up. he lets out a long breath of air as he pulls the lid off of his ramyeon.

of course, i'm alone again. wooyoung has learnt to accept the fact that he's always alone and probably always will be. he let's out a breathy laugh before blowing a little on his ramyeon and taking a large bite. he closes his eyes as he relishes in the taste of warm, salty ramyeon, helping him to ignore the hollowing pain in his chest.

as wooyoung stands up to leave, the worker from the counter places a warm coffee down beside him, causing wooyoung to glance at the worker questioningly.

"what's this for?" wooyoung raises his eyebrows to the younger boy.

"it's on me." the freckled boy smiles warmly, eyes turning into crescents. "i hope you have a nice day." he scurries back behind the counter before wooyoung has a chance to thank him and bows to the elder as he takes the coffee and walks towards the door, sending the boy a soft, genuine smile.

as wooyoung steps back outside into the cold, he finally feels the tears building up in his eyes. it's been so long since he's last received a nice act from someone, anyone, other than yeosang, and it was really just the thing he needed on a day like today. somehow, a warm cup of coffee from a complete stranger was enough to set the stress built up from the day free.

every step wooyoung takes down the sidewalk, surrounded in cold air, is accompanied by light, gentle tears falling in tandem with the gentle raindrops from above.

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