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yeosang frantically glances between seonghwa and wooyoung, siting next to each other on the sofa, facial features expressing utter disbelief

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yeosang frantically glances between seonghwa and wooyoung, siting next to each other on the sofa, facial features expressing utter disbelief.

"what's going on here?" yeosang points between the two boys. "since when are you two on good terms?"

"since last night, he apologized." wooyoung takes a sip of his iced americano, throwing his thumb to the side in a gesture towards seonghwa.

"really?" yeosang looks to the eldest, eyes wide.

"yeah." seonghwa hums gently. "i felt really bad, i know i was completely in the wrong. i actually owe you an apology too yeosang. i'm sorry that i acted that way towards you two, it was completely uncalled for."

"it's fine, don't worry." he smiles warmly. "if woo forgives you then i forgive you."

"thank you." seonghwa grins at the two younger boys. "on another note, are you two ready for the freshman orientation trip tonight?"

"damn, it's already the weekend?" mingi shouts out to the three boys as he walks into the dorm.

"yeah, it's crazy." yeosang turns to their forth roommate, surprised. "who are you?"

seonghwa and wooyoung both burst into laughter, completely having forgotten that the two hadn't been introduced yet.

"i'm song mingi. a freshman studying music production." mingi replies timidly.

"i'm kang yeosang, a freshman in psychology. it's nice to meet you." yeosang holds out his hand to the taller.

"ah, it's a shame i won't be able to hangout with any of you on the trip much then, since we're in different majors." mingi pouts with puppy eyes.

"it's okay! we can still hangout when there's no activities for us to participate in, don't worry. we won't leave you all alone." yeosang chuckles warmly, patting the tall boy on the shoulder.

"anyway, have you guys finished packing yet? we're supposed to meet up on campus at 3pm."

"not yet, i was out all morning." mingi glances down to his watch. "oh shit. it's already 1."

the other three boys slowly make their way into their own rooms to finish up packing, laughing to themselves as they watch the tall boy scramble desperately around in his own.

inside of his room, wooyoung grabs his suitcase from next to his dresser and places it on the floor in the middle of the room. he opens up the top drawer, grabbing a couple of pairs of underwear and socks. then he opens the middle drawer, slowly shuffling through his shirts before deciding on a couple items. lastly, he pulls open his bottom drawer and grabs two pairs of jeans before shutting the drawer again. he then moves to the top of the dresser, where he keeps his jewelry, and grabs a couple of simple accessories. carefully, he arranges everything in his suitcase to fit properly and zips it up.

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