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"oh, hello everyone

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"oh, hello everyone." san nods his head to the group of boys sitting inside the cabin, briefly making eye contact with wooyoung as he walks towards the bed that he had claimed earlier.

"hey." seonghwa is the only one to respond, yeosang being too busy watching jongho, mingi just looking at his phone, and wooyoung just ignoring the duo altogether. "are you guys in this cabin too?"

"yup." san responds with his signature smile. "jongho and i were going to go out to the barbecue, if you guys want to come with?"

"sure." yeosang hops up from his place on the bed only to get pulled back down by his arm. yeosang looked down to see wooyoung staring up at him with a look of betrayal in his eyes. "actually-"

"i'm down too, let's all go." seonghwa chimed in, cutting yeosang off unintentionally.

"yeah that sounds like fun." mingi looks up from his phone and smiles.

yeosang gives his best friend a look of apology and holds his hand out for the younger to grab. wooyoung hated these kinds of things, but if there's one thing he would always do, without fail, he would follow yeosang anywhere. so he begrudgingly took his friend's hand and followed the group out the cabin door.

almost all of the freshmen of the school and some seniors acting as chaperones were present. in the middle of the circle of cabins there were a bunch of large tables set up, people surrounding all of them. the smell of burning meat and soju wafted all the way over to wooyoung and the others standing by their cabin.

"i can't do this." wooyoung grabs yeosang's arm, pulling him closer to whisper-yell in his ear.

"it's going to be fine woo. i'll be by your side the entire time. i promise." yeosang places his hand on top of wooyoung's.

"promise, promise?"

"yes." yeosang chuckles.

"fine." wooyoung huffs out, a small pout on his lips.

the six boys make their way towards the barbecue. mingi and seonghwa were making conversation with san and jongho while wooyoung clung to yeosang's arm all the way there.

"you guys are here?" the short man that they had met during orientation waved the group down.

"what's up changbin?" seonghwa wandered over to his younger friend, leaving the other five boys behind.

yeosang led them towards an empty table on the far right, away from the loud chatter of excited freshmen.

as the five boys sat down, yeosang tries to strike up a conversation.

"so, how has it been for you guys, settling in?" he looks at san and jongho.

"it's been alright. nothing really special has happened so far." san smiles, his dimples peeking out.

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