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as the sun finally sets, after a long day of playing around and getting to know their major mates,—yeosang in particular—the boys all sit down outside their cabin with a couple bottles of soju

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as the sun finally sets, after a long day of playing around and getting to know their major mates,—yeosang in particular—the boys all sit down outside their cabin with a couple bottles of soju.

the cabin's back porch was simple. a wooden deck with a couple of lawn chairs placed in a half circle, facing towards the beautiful mountains. wooyoung felt like he could stay in a place this serene forever. looking over the gorgeous scenery, he felt as if his soul was being soothed. as if a tiny amount of the stress he was under was slowly evaporating away.

yeosang sits down on the lawn chair next to wooyoung, a couple of glasses in his hand.

"was today at least a little bit fun?" yeosang teases wooyoung, stretching out his words playfully as he sets the glasses down on the patio table.

"i guess it was okay." wooyoung nods his head, a smile stretched over his lips.

"well i'm glad to hear it." yeosang opens one of the bottles of soju, pouring both him and wooyoung a glass before placing the bottle back down on the table.

"where's mingi and seonghwa hyung?" wooyoung takes his glass, watching the liquid as he swirls it around the glass.

"seonghwa hyung went to go get mingi from his cabin. they'll probably be here in a few minutes." yeosang takes a small sip of his soju, hissing slightly at the bitter taste.

wooyoung nods, taking a sip of his own glass and repeating yeosang's actions.

"san and jongho said they were going to hangout with their friends tonight, so you don't need to worry about that." yeosang adds after a short silence.

"i'm sorry." wooyoung flops back in his chair, looking defeated.

"why?" yeosang turns to his best friend, completely confused.

"i don't know why i'm like this. i'm sorry that i make it hard for you to get along with new people." wooyoung sighs.

"hey. don't be sorry. if you don't like someone then i don't like them and that's final." yeosang puts his glass down, turning his body to face wooyoung fully.

"thanks yeo." wooyoung smiles. "the same goes for you, obviously."

"of course it does." yeosang laughs, picking up his glass again and shooting back the rest of the liquor. "one shot."

wooyoung chuckles and follows, tilting back his head as he drinks the rest of his own drink.

"hey, don't be drinking all of it without us." seonghwa opens the balcony door and enters the porch, followed by an already slightly drunk mingi.

"we only had one glass each, don't worry hyung." yeosang pours the four of them another glass, gesturing for seonghwa and mingi to sit down.

"well, who's ready to par-tyyyy." mingi drags out his sentence excitedly.

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