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laying on his bed, wooyoung watched the raindrops fall outside his window, traces slowly drizzling down the glass

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laying on his bed, wooyoung watched the raindrops fall outside his window, traces slowly drizzling down the glass. the sky was getting darker, causing shadows to fall across his room as he waited for yeosang to return from his meeting.

wooyoung heard the faint creak of the front door opening. he perked up from where he was sitting on his bed, listening intently for his best friend. instead he heard heavy footsteps make their was to the room closest to the front door. footsteps wooyoung instantly recognized to be someone's other than yeosang's.

wooyoung sighs deeply, disappointed, and rolls over onto his side, facing towards the wall. wooyoung closes his eyes, listening closely to the relaxing tapping of the rain on the window.

knock. one light, tentative knock on wooyoung's door broke him out of his trance instantly. wooyoung rolled over to face whoever was standing in the doorway.

"um..." seonghwa rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. "can we talk?"

wooyoung raised an eyebrow, glaring at the taller, eyes full of suspicion. "why?" wooyoung's voice was indifferent and uninterested.

"uh, can i come in first?" seonghwa stood in his place at the door, scared to make any move closer or further away from the boy sitting on the bed.

"fine." wooyoung gestured for the older to sit down at his desk, crossing his legs and looking at him expectingly.

"i wanted to talk about earlier today..." seonghwa sits down in the desk chair, turning it to face towards wooyoung.

wooyoung scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"it was rude of me to say that shit about you without knowing you personally. as someone studying psychology, i shouldn't be basing my opinion on someone on rumours." seonghwa bites his lip, nervously, pausing for a moment. "i'm really, really sorry. i mean it." he brushes his hand through his hair. "you seem like a good person, you never did anything for me to dislike you."

wooyoung just stares at the older boy, surprised at his apology and how sincere he was being. the room fell completely silent, only the sounds of the rain falling outside filled the dark space.

"i understand if you don't want to forgive me." seonghwa finally breaks the silence, fiddling with his hands.

"no, it's okay. thank you for apologizing." wooyoung looks away. "i just didn't expect you to at all..." he adds quietly.

"so, we're good?" seonghwa smiles softly.

"yeah, we're good." wooyoung smiles back, eyes quivering a little.

"i'll leave you to what you were doing..." the older pauses. "...roomie." he adds after a moment of thought with a big, warm, crooked smile before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

wooyoung flops back into his pillows, unable to hide the smile forming on his face any longer. he covers his face with his hands, wiping the tears that had formed in his eyes away. the feeling of someone, other that yeosang, not caring about the stupid rumours spread about him warming his heart up, even if just a little bit.

not long after the dorm room is blanketed in comfortable silence again, the door swings open, crashing into the wall with a loud thud. wooyoung and seonghwa, both in their respective rooms, rush out into the living area to see what happened. the two boys find a much taller boy struggling in the doorway with multiple suitcases.

the boy looks up at the movement inside, relief washing over his face when he realizes his new roommates are home.

"care to give me a hand?" the tall boy huffs out through strained breaths.

"ah- yes, sorry!" seonghwa scrambles over to help the boy carry in his multitude of baggage.

after the three successfully bring all the luggage indoors, wooyoung and seonghwa sit down on the sofa, watching the taller boy place his things in the only remaining room.

"thanks for the help." the boy smiles as he dusts his hands off, walking out of his room.

"no problem." seonghwa flashes his warm crooked smile again. "what's your name?"

"oh shit- i forgot to introduce myself, my bad." the tall boy laughs to himself. "i'm song mingi, i'm a freshman majoring in music."

"oh! that's so cool!" wooyoung's eyes light up at the new discovery of his roommate.

"ah, thanks." mingi rubs the back of his neck, chuckling inwardly.

"anyway, welcome to the dorm mingi. i'm seonghwa, i'm studying psychology in my second year and this is wooyoung, he's also studying psychology, he's also a freshman." seonghwa gestures to the two of them while he introduces for the both of them.

"it's a pleasure to meet you, sunbae." mingi bows towards the older boy.

"just call me hyung." seonghwa grins sheepishly. "both of you."

"sure thing, hyung!" mingi smiles widely as he walks back into his room to finish setting all of his things up.

seonghwa glances to his side, where wooyoung was sitting. "are you okay with calling me hyung? you don't have to if your not comfortable." he clarifies, concern laced in his tone.

"no no." wooyoung shakes his head. "i'm okay with it... hyung." he smiles to the older tentatively.

"alright." seonghwa ruffles the younger boys hair as he stands up. "i'm going to bed wooyoung, i'll see you tomorrow."

wooyoung hums in response. "sleep well hyung."

"you too wooyoung."

wooyoung plops down onto his bed, a small smile still gracing his handsome features. he decides that he'll wait until yeosang gets home before going to sleep. sighing, he lays flat on the bed and pulls out his phone, opening up genshin impact to pass the time.

wooyoung's eyes start to feel heavy, keeping them open becoming a chore. he closes the game on his phone and checks the time once more. over an hour had passed. just where was yeosang?

almost immediately after the thought crossed wooyoung's mind, the front door of the dorm could be heard opening quietly. sighing in relief, wooyoung steps out into the hallway to greet his best friend.

"ah, wooyoung, why are you still awake?" yeosang stands in the hallway looking completely drained. his eyes surrounded in dark circles and face void of any energy.

"i was waiting for you." wooyoung's brows lace together with concern for the older boy. "what happened? why do you look so exhausted yeo?"

"just some stupid shit to do with my enrolment. nothing that serious, just took a long ass time." yeosang pinches the bridge of his nose between his brows, fighting off a headache.

wooyoung frowns and rushes up to his best friend, giving him a small, reassuring hug, which yeosang melts into with a long sigh. the two stand like that in the hallway for a few minutes, wooyoung's embrace giving yeosang the energy to get to his room and fall into the bed.

wooyoung ruffles the older's hair after walking him to his room. "night yeo. i'll see you in the morning."

"goodnight woo." yeosang weakly replies after settling into the comfort of his bed.

"ah, yeosang?" wooyoung pops his head back into the doorway.

yeosang hums, eyes barely open.

"thank you."

"for what?" yeosang sits up slightly, confused.

"just everything."

"no need woo. i'm more thankful to you."

wooyoung smiles. "goodnight."


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