014 || Sincerely

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After I told Max, it was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. From that day forward, he began treating me as if I were made of glass. I didn't mind it, though. I was waiting for the right time to tell the others, but none had come up.

Layla was practically overloading with the news. She had almost let it slip to Carlos and Daniel three times over the last week. Ann was starting to get suspicious and was pretty sure Max had let it slip to Lily.

I found myself thinking about Lando.

All I wanted was to go to his house and talk for hours, just like we used to. It felt like there was a giant, Lando-sized hole in my life. I knew he wouldn't be very happy for me, you know, being pregnant with the child of the man he hates, but I still wanted to see him.

"Are you sure this is how you want to do this?" Layla frowned as she watched me pace around the room. She was sitting on my bed, a curious expression on her face.

"Yup. I'm going to put everyone in a group text, tell them, and then leave. Boom. Done." I picked up my phone.

"What are you going to say?" She tilted her head a little. I glanced at her, thinking for a split second.

"Sup losers, I'm pregnant. Peace out." I replied confidently. She stood up and came over to me, putting a hand on mine to stop me from typing.

"Don't you think that's a little-"

"Brilliant? Iconic?"

"Phsycotic." She finished firmly. I groaned, flopping back onto my bed.

"Then how am I supposed to do it, oh great master of telling people you're pregnant?" I asked her, annoyed.

"First of all, I've never got pregnant. I'm not the one who got knocked up. Secondly, I think the baby has stolen your last braincell." She put her hands on her hips. I proped myself up on my elbows to shoot her glare.

"Fine. I'm sorry. How should I do it?" I ran a hand down my face.

"How about in person? Right now." She grinned. I frowned, glancing at my watch.

"Ley, it's ten thirty at night. I really doubt they would want to I was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Okay, don't be mad. But I may have told Carlos." She admitted it sheepishly. I got to my feet.

"What? Layla!"

"I'm sorry! It was an acid." She looked away. I sighed.

"It's fine. Anyone else who knows?" I asked as a joke, but my smile dropped as I saw her expression. Even more guilty.

"I also may have forgotten to mention to Carlos that it was a secret, and he may have told the others." She admitted it again. I stared at her. The knock came again, louder this time.

"I hate you." I shot her a playful glare before marching out to get the door.

I hardly even had time to see who it was because, as soon as I pened the door, I was swept up in a huge hug. I knew who it was, though. The soft curls around my cheek, the beard, and the huge smile. Daniel was saying something, but he was talking so fast that I couldn't understand a single word.


"Mate, be careful with her." I heard Carlos's voice over Danny's inchoate yapping. I laughed, feeling a last gentle squeeze before Daniel finally let me go. I brushed some hair from my face, beaming.

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