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"Leave them on the table, do not look around, do not touch ANYTHING." The liveried servant looked down his nose at her.  "Prince Loki is very particular about whom he lets into his chambers. Are you SURE he wanted them delivered personally?"

Eva smiled sweetly and nodded. "Oh yes." Her tone belied her face. There was an edge to it that brooked no argument. "He asked for me personally."

"Very well."  He looked down at her and scowled. She dropped her gaze and pushed the door.

Walking into the outer chamber, she quickly found a table with a large wooden bowl on it. She emptied the contents of the bag into it carefully.  No bruised fruit, thank you very much.

As she did so, one of the extra apples tumbled onto the floor and rolled away.  "Norns!" She cursed softly and chased after it.  It rolled across the polished wooden floor and into another room.

Quickly, she scrambled after it, her previous bravado now disappearing in the face of being discovered. Her foot caught the rogue fruit before her hand, and it skittered away into the darkness.

She padded almost silently into the inner chamber. Glancing quickly over her shoulder to make sure no one saw her, she pushed the inner door aside a little. The wood was strangely warm to the touch.

The room was dark, smelled of spices and luxury. Her foot sank into deep fur as she inched her way forward. In the gloom, she could make out a large dark wooden bed. Heaped with more furs and hung with velvet curtains.

It looked... inviting.  She bit her lip, imagining him - and her - in it.  She glanced around, unable to resist. Running her fingers over the silken sheets, she shivered with unspoken desire.

The walls, what she could see of them, were lined with dark  green and gold silk. The windows, again hung with velvet. A large ornate mirror hung over the fireplace. In the hearth, a faint glow from dying embers.

Her foot struck the apple where it had come to rest in the fur rug.  She bent and picked it up, meaning to leave. Something caught her eye. Something that made her stare in wonder.

In the corner of the room, a glass orb, about a foot in diameter, set on a carved wooden tripod. It was filled with what looked like stars. Transfixed, she slipped the apple into her pocket and walked over.

Placing her hands on the glass, the stars inside seemed to glow. They moved and swirled, attracted to her touch.  She smiled. In her life, there were few things to really make her smile. Her uncle, her cat, and a warm summer's day. That was about it.  Now, this little magic corner of the prince's chamber was added to the list.

As she watched, the stars changed from green to gold to purple and back to green. She giggled like a child. Suddenly aware she'd made a noise, she looked up and bolted for the door.

Just in time, she placed the rogue apple in the dish.  The servant burst in.

"Get out. Get out now. He's coming. If he finds you here...." he threw her out the door and along the corridor.  The sound of boots on the stone floor echoed, along with the velvet voice she recognised.

"Well, if he insists on going, then I suppose we'll have to go too. See you at the bridge in twenty minutes. I have to check on something first."

Loki swept into his rooms, ignoring the obsequious servant now holding the door for him. He stopped. For a second, he paused, then he turned.

"Get out."

"Your Highness....."


The door closed, and the servant made himself scarce. He'd never had to be asked twice.

Loki stood for a moment, taking a deep breath. She had been here. Even if he had not seen the fruit, he would have known. Her perfume filled his nostrils. Light and delicate, yet alluring and... yes... also innocent.  His eyes flitted around the room.  They settled on the door to his bed chamber. He smiled.

There, on the edge of the door, a handprint gleamed green. His spell had worked. She had touched the door. Did she go in? Did she see his bed?  Did she want to be in it?

He picked up a peach and bit into it.  Soft and sweet. The juice ran down his chin and chest. He briefly imagined her lips cleaning it up and felt a frisson of desire.

Now he walked to the bedroom door. Yes. She had indeed been tempted. But not, it seemed into his bed. To his globe. The swirling stars within told him all he needed to know.  They echoed her face, her touch enough to give them the image. 

He could see her smile, and as a beautiful bonus, hear her laugh.  He found himself wanting to hear it for real.  As he wandered over to the globe, he looked at the window.  Pulling back the velvet drapes, he peered out. Sheer silken veiling provided privacy, so he could observe but remain unobserved.

As he looked over the courtyard, he saw her. The swing of her hips, the bobbing of her dark hair held tightly in a long pigtail. The delicacy of her neck where her braided hair revealed it.  He found himself wanting to see her hair falling like a dark curtain over her back.  Her naked back.

As if she could feel his gaze, she paused at the gates and turned. Her face, pale with worry, accentuating the red of her lips.  Lips he wanted to kiss.

But not today. Today he had to deal that Bilgesnipe's arse of a brother. Jotunheim had declared war on the Odinson Brothers... again.  It was time Thor was put in his place. With Laufey's help, Loki was just in the mood to do it.

And then.... he watched as she disappeared into the crowds that perpetually surrounded the palace. And then, there would be time... for... he realised he didnt even know her name.  He realised all he wanted was to make her scream his. Repeatedly.

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