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"Odin! You can't do this! It's... it's inhuman!"

"Ah, well, that is where my Queen misunderstands... I am NOT human, am I? I AM THE ALLFATHER, AND I WILL BE OBEYED. NOW LEAVE ALL OF YOU." Odin thundered, banging his staff Gungnir on the floor with an almighty clang.

Frigga, together with Thor, began to exit, flanked by the palace guard.

"But NOT you!" He hissed in a vicious tone as he pointed to EVA. "YOU stay." She looked at Frigga, who shook her head imperceptibly. Eva felt her world collapse.

"Father. This is madness. Why would you do such a thing? She is Baldurs bloodline. She is of Asgard."

Thor now stood at the foot of the throne, one hand on Eva's shoulder, the other clenching Mjolnir.

Eva looked at her feet. She couldn't do anything else. This was all too much. Tears spilt from her eyes onto the floor.

"I said LEAVE!" Odin roared and even the normally brash Thor winced.

"I'm sorry, little one, it will be ok." He whispered from the depths of a great bear hug.

"Will it?" Was all she could say.

The room emptied, and they looked at each other. Odin came down to her. Step by staring step. He circled her like a predator. Eyeing her up and down, assessing her.

"Who are you?" The voice was low, menacing, terrifying. Eva felt like she would collapse at any minute.

"Honestly? Right now? I have absolutely no idea." She found a voice she didn't know she had.

"Don't try to be clever, girl." Odin snarled in her ear. "Do you know how many girls have tried your trick over the years? Tried to worm their way into my household?"

Eva swallowed, her momentary bravery failing her. It had never occurred to her that Odin might care enough to question her. She had no desire to be part of this world. She only had desire for.... now she really did feel bereft. In all this, he had remained silent. In all this, only Thor had spoken up for her.....

They had arrived in the audience chamber together. Frigga holding her hand and whispering words of encouragement.

"You are Baldurs blood. He will recognise that and he will welcome you back." She murmured as they walked the length of the vast auditorium. "Even though Baldur is gone, I feel there is still a place for you. And I know Loki feels the same. If not more."

She turned and smiled at Eva. "You are so very pretty, my dear. Who could fail to be bewitched by you?" The smile was genuine, and the sentiment real. Eva felt a wave of warmth wash over her. No wonder Loki adored his mother, adopted or not. She had a quality about her. You just couldn't pin down.

"Allfather. May I present the Princess Eva Baldursdottir." Frigga stepped to the side, holding Eva's hand up in presentation. Thor turned and winked from where he stood with Loki, and she blushed, looking at her feet.

Odin sat on his throne, Gungnir, in one hand, the other resting lightly on the throne. He was smaller than she had imagined, but no less a presence for that. Gilded armour, white beard, eyepatch. All served to reinforce the statesman who looked over the nine realms.

Instinctively, she curtseyed, not daring to look at him.

"Rise." His voice was cool, calm, measured. Terrifying.

She waited as he looked at her. And waited. You could have heard a pin drop.

"Father...." Loki's voice broke the silence.

"SILENCE!" The roar echoed over the walls and floor, reverberating and diminishing as it went. You could feel the atmosphere change.

"IF you are who you claim to be..." Odin began.

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