Sweet as Pain.....

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They faced each other across a wide table of shining black obsidian. Malekith sat on what could only be described as a throne, spires of obsidian arranged at his back, black fur adorning the seat. A large, black and grey hound crouched at his side, fangs bared.

Loki smiled to himself. A fine show. Wasted on him, though. He just didn't threaten. The room was large and cold and had the feeling of a chamber many walked into, but not many walked back out of.

"So. You wish to get the Princess back then, do you? You also wish to rub Odin's face in it and claim the throne you deserve?"

"And if I do?" He was committing himself to nothing. Dark Elves were not to be trusted in any universe.

"As our mutual friend said, we can help you. With very little asked in return, a mere nod to our participation in your triumph." Malekith sat back, elbows poised on the arms of his throne, finger interlinked, his chin resting on them

Loki stood impassively. Malekith wasn't exactly ugly. More, well, sinister. Pale skin, black soulless eyes, long white hair braided back drawing his face taut. He wore the black battle armour of the Dark Army. All in all, a weasely little figure. One that would serve Loki well.

"Firstly, Frederik is not and never will be my friend.  Secondly, should I wish to take her back, why would I need you when I am a master of magic and cunning. Thirdly, and most importantly, what makes you think that you can trust me any more than I trust you?" Loki was no fool and he was going to make sure Malekith knew it.

"Because, Jotun, if you double cross us. If you do not keep your side of the bargain and rule Midgard for us, if you do not defeat Odin and forever let us regain out rightful place in the cosmos, there will be nowhere you can hide." He got up and walked around the table. 

He was shorter than Loki - most beings were - but his hubris and menace were just as large.  "If you decide to use us and discard us, or worse yet, betray us Jotun...." he placed a white bony hand on Loki's chin and squeezed until he winced, "there will be nowhere you can hide. Here or anywhere. We - I - will find you. I will find you and your woman and you will beg for something as sweet as pain Jotun."

Loki swallowed, desperately trying to remain impassive.  He could tolerate threats to himself.  He could even tolerate physical intimidation. What cut him to the core, however, were threats to Eva.  He had to protect her. After all, she would do anything to keep him safe.

Wouldn't she?  Loki was about to see the true price of defying Odin in public.

Fury strode up and down the corridor. What the everlasting HELL was keeping them.  It wouldn't take long, Strange had said. She would be easily drugged , Strange had said. This would be straightforward. Zola would be in and out again in half an hour.

Well, the first two had been right. He'd appeared through a portal right outside the main doors.  Eva in his arms, unconscious. They'd taken her to the infirmary block where she'd been checked over by Banner and found to be absolutely fine, just comatose.

Strange and Wong had left again, citing a need to speak to a couple of chinese kids who'd been reportedly fighting using some ancient mystic Rings in San Fransisco. If they were the ones he thought they were, someone needed to harness them now, before all hell broke loose.

Fury barked into his comms unit.
"Hill? Hill, where are you? Get yourself down to the infirmary block stat.  I need you to take over from me.  I need to go and speak to the stupid-ass council about their stupid-ass decisions."  He paused, waiting for an answer. "Hill, where in the blazes ARE you?" His face was like thunder, and his one remaining good eye flashed with annoyance.

"Right here, Boss.  What's up?" She carried her responsibility as second in command of the team, lightly. She knew whatever they faced, good or bad, Fury always had her back. Would never let her down, and as a result, she was infintely loyal.

"Maria," his use of her name unnerved her a little. "I have a feeling we're being made a fool of.  I think that SHIELD upper echelons are using Eva to test some kind of project Zola has been working on.  I hate being used and made a fool of.  That's my ex-wife's job."

Maria suppressed the urge to laugh. Now was not the time. "Ok, Boss, on it.,"

As she walked away, a door to his right opened, and a diminutive figure in a white lab coat emerged. 

"Ah, Director Fury! I did not expect a personal visit today. Have you come to see how your visitor is doing ? " The round shiny face, the gold framed glasses, the lab coat and the unmistakable walk of a man spent pouring over microscopes and screens for almost all his adult life.

Fury nodded. He couldn't bring himself to speak to him. Zola smiled, he was used to prejudice. Had been for many years. Fury's was no more,, no less than any before him.  Hydra spots took a long, long time to erase.

"Come. See for yourself." Zola opened the door behind him and ushered Fury into the room.  Closing the door behind them, he passed Fury and made his way to a table. At the table, sat a woman. Not just any woman.  THE woman. Eva.

She turned and looked up at Fury. She smiled and held out her hand.

"Director Fury. How lovely to see you again. Dr Zola and I have had a lovely little chat and he's explained your predicament.  I must say, I am honoured to help.  Loki must be made to see the error of his ways. I know that if I can get him to return, Dr Zola says he can fix him. Permanently." She smiled as if it was the simplest and more obvious solution ever.

Fury looked at her. "Don't you want Loki to return to Asgard with you at his side?" He paused and watched her face.  Not a flicker. Nothing.  The lights were on, but there was nobody home.  "Eva?"

"Yes, Director?"

"When Loki comes back, what are you going to do?" He was almost afraid to ask.

"Why director, what any loyal agent of SHIELD would do. Turn him over to  Agent Sitwell and Dr Zola for rehabilitation and transfer to The Barge." She smiled at him confidently. Fury blanched inwardly.

If her responses were genuine, if Zola really had 'persuaded' her, Loki being in league with the Dark Elves could be the least of their worries......

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