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"What do you mean 'gone'?" Harold stood in the marketplace and looked at the woman. "She was here just yesterday?"

Anna shrugged.  She was tired and hungry; her foot still ached, and she couldn't be arsed, quite frankly, to converse. "Gone. Not here. Somewhere else." 

"Don't be facetious, woman! I know what it means, I just want to know WHY." Harold's voice betrayed more than just curiosity. He seemed... afraid. Yes, that was it. Fear.

Anna actually felt a little sorry for him.  Being the property of The Jotun couldn't be easy. Everyone knew his master. Everyone - well, almost everyone - feared him. Mercurial moods, cruel sense of humour, hard and cold heart. Frost Giant in every sense. Or so he would have them believe.

Anna knew better. She'd seen the way he'd looked at Eva. Alot.  She'd even seen the way he reacted to Thor's approach the other day. That wasn't the actions of a man with a frozen heart. Jealousy was a fire that could melt the hardest ice.

"Her uncle is sick. Very sick. She didn't open the stall today so she could stay with him. I fear he may not recover." She was genuinely sad now. Once upon a time, Anna had wondered if Erik might have been good husband material. But he had devoted his life to his neice and now? Anna was married to the baker, and Erik was just a good friend. Harold nodded.

"I see. Do... do you think they need... help?" He didn't want to embarrass either of them by mentioning money.

"I... yes, I think they might." Anna was nothing if not practical.  "They live over... there." She pointed. "The small one with the red roof and the purple flowers."

Harold nodded. He could see the house in question. Nothing grand, barely a house at all, but more than the sum of its parts. 

"Thank you. You've been most kind." He bowed, as was habit in the palace, and Anna blushed like a girl. He smiled, and so did she. "Here, for your trouble." He passed her a couple of gold coins.  She shook her head.

"Thank you, no. Just give her one of these, please. Tell her... tell her she can pay it back when she's rich." They looked at each other, and Harold took the proferred loaves of bread. Charity, it seemed, began anonymously at home.

"I understand. Thank you..."


"Anna." For a moment, Harold's hand brushed hers, and they looked at each other. She felt seventeen again, all blushes and butterflies. Not seventy with bunions and grey hair. Romance,  it seemed, cared, not a jot for age.

Harold smiled and turned away.  He may be old. He may have snow on the roof, but there was still fire in the grate. He walked away, turning just once, Anna watching the whole time.  Raising his hand, he waved and delved into the thronging crowd.

Now, he had to find out exactly why he was scared to go back to the palace.  Where was she, and when would she be back?

"Shhhh, don't speak." She dabbed the wet cloth to his forehead. He was pale and clammy. His eyes, bright with fever, stared at her. "You will NOT argue with me, Uncle. I am staying home to look after you." Eva smiled gently and, placing the bowl to one side, took his hand.

"When I was little - and not so little - did you not comfort me? Did you not put things aside so we could get better TOGETHER?" She raised an eyebrow, and even in the midst of his pain, he saw his sister staring at him.

Erik nodded weakly. "I did." He whispered hoarsely.

"Well, it's my turn now." There was no more arguing to be done. She helped him sit a little, holding a cup of water to his parched lips. He swallowed it carefully and lay back.

Moments later, he lurched to the side and vomited it back into the bowl on the floor.  Eva sighed. This was not good. Even water was no longer tolerated.  If he didn't keep something , anything, down soon....

As she reached to lift the bowl to wash it out, Erik put a frail hand on her arm.  "Eva, if I... if you are... alone..." he lay on the pillows, pale and serious looking.  She nodded, not giving voice to the fear coursing inside her. "If you are alone. Find Frederik." He lay back, exhausted. There was a name neither had used in a long, long time.

Eva looked at him sadly. "And how do I do that? I wouldn't even recognise him if he fell into my soup. It was twenty summers ago..." she felt the sting of tears as she remembered the last time she'd seen him.

"You will, child. You will. Ask..." Erik paused as a figure appeared at the door.

"Erik?.Eva? Is there anything I can do?" Harold stood, silhouetted against the daylight. In one hand, the bread, the other held up in a gesture of questioning.

"Who are you? And how do you know us?" Eva stood and placed herself between her uncle and the newcomer.  Arms folded across her chest, she challenged him firmly but politely.

"My name is Harold. Harold Sigmundson. I am a servant in the palace, and my master is..."

"Loki Laufeyson. At your service." 

The voice from behind him silenced them all.  Harold bowed his head automatically and stood to the side.

There, in the doorway, stood the Prince.  His tall stature was emphasised by his flowing cloak.  His fine features now etched with what appeared to be concern. For them. For her.

"Your Highness...." she sank into a deep curtsey.  Realising she still carried a bowl of rather questionable contents, she stood and scurried to the small sink in the corner.  Hastily, she dumped the entire thing into the sink and threw a towel over the lot.

Loki walked over to the prone man. Looking down, he turned to Harold. "Take him to the healers." Harold nodded, and no sooner had the words echoed than Erik and Harold disappeared in a swirl of green smoke.

Eva stared open-mouthed.  Looking steadily back at Loki, she stood up. "Wh... where have you... where is he?"

"The palace. The healing room.  And unless you wish to let him be there alone, I suggest we accompany them."

She nodded mutely. He indicated the door. "Teleportation is not great, I personally prefer to ride.  This way..."

There was only one horse. A white stallion. Loki swung up and grabbed her hand, hoisting her up in front of him. As they galloped off towards the palace, Anna saw them go.

It was funny how things turned out. Eva, once again, back in the arms of a prince. How long before she discovered the truth? How long before they all did?

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