Repeating the Past. . .

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Happy Name Day, Prince Erik!" The cheers rang out across the hall.  Erik stood and waved to everyone, smiling and bowing in the way expected of a prince of the realm.

Eva sat and watched her son, silently smiling. Her heart burst with pride. He had grown into such a loving and supportive son. When Frigga had left her, when Blezan had gone to the army... Erik had remained by her side.

Not a Mama's boy, oh no, he was his own man, but he was - and always would be - her tangible reminder of the love she shared with Loki before... well, before it got hard and terrifying.

Now, she looked at him, acknowledging the crowds.  He was in so many ways his father's son.  Tall, dark, handsome, and she knew the pretty girls in the marketplace loved it when he walked by.  Especially the Baker's daughter Agnetha. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a pure heart that belonged to Erik.

This time, Eva promised herself that there would be no question of acceptance. Love was love. An echo of a love that blossomed so long ago.  A love to last till the torches of Valhalla burnt out.  Loki. Love of her long, long, life.  Her eyes filled with happy tears as she thought of her husband. Where was he now? What was he doing? 

Thor had gone looking for him what seemed so long ago.

She turned and looked across at Fandral, who smiled back and winked.  His arm, draped as ever around a beautiful woman, he had always had a large spot in his heart for her. He knew she loved Loki, always would, but he still carried a tiny candle for her. 

Her haze wandered over to Volstagg and Sif.  She had one of Volstagg's little girls on her knee.  Whatever story he was telling them made them all laugh, Sif clutching her closely to stop her falling.

The hall seemed to be a silent montage of her life.  A life that she'd been granted thanks to Loki and his enduring love. 

There was a gale of laughter and cheers from the side of the room, making her look round.  Raising a glass to her lips, she sipped her wine as she watched.  A group of girls were being teased by Blezan and some of his fellow soldiers. They flirted and giggled. All except one, she just laughed. It was well known she was already betrothed to a handsome Prince from Alfheim.

Frigga would make a wonderful queen one day.

She'd been living on Alfheim for several months, learning their ways, getting to know her new home.  Eva had missed her terribly, but with the loving support of her boys, she'd come to a reluctant calm about it. 

There was always something about Frigga that made her worry when she wasn't there. Almost as if she could lose her.  The echo of a memory that had never existed, if that made sense. 

One other person had always understood. On the days when she just wanted to hold on and never let her family go? On the days when she felt a strange sense that she'd once nearly lost them altogether.

That person now walked into the room and sat down beside her.  Taking her hand, he looked at her and smiled softly. "You look beautiful tonight, Princess." He said quietly, gallantly kissing her hand.  "Your husband is a very lucky man."

She didn't look at her admirer, just smiled graciously, and continued to look out over the festivities.

"I'm sure he is, I only hope he knows how much I still love him." Her eyes filled with tears.

"My Lady, I apologise. My intention was not to upset you. I merely wanted you to know how much I..."

"Please, let's not talk of this here.  I must take my leave and let the youngsters celebrate. This is their night. " she stood, her companion standing with her. 

She moved to the door, bending to kiss Erik on the cheek and hug Frigga.
Blezan nodded and blew her a kiss from across the table.

"Enjoy the evening, my loves. Please try to be up for breakfast... all visitors welcome." She smiled at Erik and Agnetha indulgently.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Agnetha smiled and looked at Erik lovingly. "We will."

Eva left the hall, still smiling.  She said nothing as she walked along the hall, her companion holding her hand gently.

They came to her chamber door.  Eva paused. "Before... before we go in, can we walk in the garden? I'd like to visit the tree."

He nodded. "Of course, whatever makes you happy, Eva."

Leaving the palace and walking into the night, the sounds of the party dwindled to a mere background hum. 

The evening was warm, the stars were bright, and the air was filled with the scent of a thousand jasmine flowers. Eva took a deep breath, closing her eyes.  "So beautiful." She murmured.

"Yes, you are."

She opened her eyes, and even in the dark, he could see she blushed. It made his heart smile. She looked down at their hands and gently pulled him along. "Come on, we're nearly there."

Her skirts swished along the grass, damp with evening dew.  The only sound, save that of their breathing.  He looked at her and, in the evening gloom, thought she was still the most incredible woman he had ever met. 

Beautiful, strong, loyal, loving.  Never once wavering in her devotion to her husband.  Even now, after all these years.

She reached the tree and ran her fingers over its bark. "It's seen a lot, this tree." She said softly. "Fights and secrets and comings and goings. In all the upheavals, it's been a symbol of continuity. Will be long after you or I are gone, I don't doubt." She paused, looking at him. "But I hope," now she gathered him into her arms, "I hope that won't be for a very long time."

"Me too, my Queen, me too."  He smiled and tentatively kissed her.  She  looked up at him, a puzzled look in her eyes.

"Why do you kiss me like that?" She seemed surprised.

"How should I kiss you?" He asked softly, "Like this?"

Once again, now leaning back against the tree, the scene of so much of their life together, he pulled her to him. He pressed his lips - and his body - to her fiercely. The passion no less for all their years.

"Better?" He broke the kiss, breathless.

"Much, but I think you should just convince me once more?" She winked, and he smiled.

"Oh my love, I could always resist everything but temptation, and YOU, my love, have always been the greatest temptation of my life. I love you, Eva. I always will."

"And I love you, Loki of Asgard, I always have."

As Loki kissed her again, he smiled inwardly.  It had all been worth it, the angst, the fear, the sacrifice.  Now, here in her arms, he knew.

Eva? She would never know, and that was exactly how he wanted it. He would never be tempted to change that.

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