Do You Want Her?

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"Loki?" The figure at the door was silhouetted against the torches in the hallway. Loki didn't need to see his face to know who it was.

"Come in, Frederik." His voice was flat, almost uninterested. He didn't bother to look up. "Sit."

Frederik walked in, taking in the darkness of the room. Only the fire in the hearth and the glowing orb in the corner providing any light. Despite it being daylight outside, the room was black and suffocating. The smell of spice and hatred overwhelming.

"She's gone. Happy now? What do you want, imposter?" The venom in Loki's voice would have cut a lesser man to the quick. Loki would have cut a lesser man to the quick.

"Imposter? What makes you say that, Jotun?" Frederik sat on a nearby chair with the easy grace of someone with the upper hand. His tone was questioning in a smug kind of way.

For the first time, Loki looked across at him. His eyes, flashing with emerald fire, betrayed the calmness in his voice. "Because..." he smiled mirthlessly, "because I know her brother, her TRUE brother would never have hurt her the way you just did." He looked away again. "I may be a cruel and sadistic Jotun, or so they say, but I would never hurt someone I love like that."

"So you love her then?"

Loki began to feel a little uneasy.  He had the slight suspicion he was being painted into a corner.

"That's not what I said." He looked away again, into the fire.

"That's what you meant, though, isn't it?"

Loki could hear the satisfied smile in Frederik's voice even if he chose not to see it.

"Perhaps. I might have. In another life."

"Why not this one? Too scared of your father, Jotun?" Taunting, teasing, Frederik worked his way under Loki's skin.

"HE'S NOT MY FATHER!" Loki roared, not for the first time in his life. Or as many days. "I am not scared of him. I never was. I am merely treading carefully." he half turned and looked at Frederik, "I am more concerned about what YOU are playing at. Spit it out and leave. I have no wish for company, least of all the man who caused my... this." he turned away again and picked up a goblet of wine.  Sinking it he stood and walked to the fireplace.  "forgive me, I have not offered you any refreshment. As a valued guest... oh wait.  No. You're not one, are you.  So Get.On.With.IT!" he snarled.

Frederik smiled and sat back, crossing his legs. "Well, I have a small proposition for you.  One that I think you might find advantageous for us both?" he paused, allowing Loki to process this.

For his part, Loki gave nothing away. He stared impassively. "Go on." was his only comment.

"Well, how about you and I take a little trip and I will explain everything?" Frederik stood, "As you well know, Asgard has eyes and ears in every corner.  This is, how can I put this, a delicate matter." he walked over to Loki and put a hand on his shoulder. "It is but the work of a moment. You will be back before they realise you're gone.  I have a feeling Thor and Frigga are more concerned with the fate of Eva at the moment." he looked into Loki's eyes and saw the conflict raging.  This was more than he could have hoped for. "They care not a jot for you, Jotun, and you know it.  Deep down, you know it." 

Loki looked at the hand on his shoulder for a moment, his face beginning to register the evil glare that Frederik had hoped for. 

"So, when do we start?" he asked with a leer.

In a flash, Loki and Frederik disappeared leaving nothing behind but a half drunk goblet and a faint whiff of conspiracy......

Eva sat up stiffly and looked around her.  Midgard.  So this was the world Thor favoured so much.  It was, from what she could see, dirty, smelly, overcrowded and dear Gods in Valhalla oh so backwards.  For all their technology, people seemed depressed, downtrodden and just miserable.  The few people who paid attention to her dismissed her as just another nutcase looking for money.  Some tried to actively avoid her gaze, others stared as if she were less than human.  An exhibit in a macabre show.  She looked away, realising she felt shame for something that wasn't her fault.

She'd arrived in a cloud of mist in the middle of the night and instantly knew she was done for.  If she didn't find somewhere safe to rest until she could at least see where she was going, she might as well slit her own throat now.

Finding a small bridge with a walkway, she crawled underneath and covered herself with her cloak. Adrenalin subsiding after all the hysteria of the previous few hours, she dropped off to sleep despite her best efforts.  As she did so, her last thought was of Loki and his face as she'd melted away to nothing.  In that one glance, he'd told her more than she ever thought she'd find out.  He cared.  Actually cared.  Too bad it was too late.

Just as she deliberated whether to just lie down and die where she was, a voice above her cut into her thoughts. 

"Eva Baldursdottir?" 

She looked up, just in time to see a neatly bearded man, wearing a blue tunic, tan gloves and a red cloak descend to the pavement in front of her.  Unaware her mouth was hanging open - after all who flew on Midgard - she nodded.

"Great.  I hoped the description was right.  Thor isn't exactly reliable. Come with me, I can help you with your.... situation." he held out a hand and smiled, his blue eyes twinkling.  He waited, head to one side "Well?"

"Who are you?" she breathed as she stood, reluctant to trust anyone at this point, even if they did seem to know Thor.

"OW!" his cloak slapped his head and he ducked then frowned at it as Eva smiled, letting out an involuntary giggle. "Sorry, my name.  Dr Strange, Stephen Strange.  At your service." he bowed and the cloak, who seemed to be an entity in it's own right, rolled out a bow.

Eva took a step then stopped, "Are you a wizard?  You can fly!" she couldn't keep the ten-year-old out of her voice and Dr Strange rolled his eyes.  "Not you too.  Thor was the same.  No, I'm not a wizard.  I prefer Master of the Mystic Arts, ok?" he wagged his hand at her.  "Now come on, we need to get you somewhere safe where we can talk about getting you back."

As she took his hand, she shook her head. "Back?  I can't go back.  Odin banished me.  If I go back..."  as she looked at her rescuer, he simply smiled and nodded.

"Yes,  I'm sure that's what he said at the time.  Don't worry, you have friends in high places my dear.  Very high.  Come on, lets have some tea." As he talked, the background faded and reappeared.  This time, she wasn't in a park.  This time, she was standing outside a Brownstone building in New York.  177A Bleeker Street to be precise.

The door opened and a large, friendly looking but silent man in monk's robes motioned for them to come in.  "Come on Strange.  We have to get to work.  Things have taken a turn.  We're going to need help."

As Stephen closed the door behind them, he shrugged. "You'd think the Sorcerer Supreme would have a little faith, wouldn't you?  Still, we can always use a little help.  But tea first.  Definitely, tea first." He walked up the stairs in front of them "coming?"

As Eva nodded and walked up the impressive carved wooden stairs, she had a feeling this was all going to be strange.  And not just in name.

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