Battle Lines

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"Take a seat..." Frederik indicated a large dark wooden chair strewn with furs by the fire.  Loki nodded and sat, turning to face him.

They'd reappeared in a large, dark chamber. Loki genuinely had no idea if they were even still in Asgard, but for now, he was prepared to take some things on faith.

"So, tell me what you THINK I want to hear, Imposter." he was giving no quarter to the man who seemingly betrayed him.

"Ah, now there's the rub, isn't it?  YOU call me imposter, yet YOU are the one treated as an outsider, an interloper, an... imposter in Asgard." Frederik sat on an adjacent chair and looked smug.  Loki frowned and growled.

"Go on."

"Well, what if I was to say to you that I betrayed you - yes, I know that's what you're thinking - deliberately so that you could have Eva without any further interference from your fa...."

"HES NOT..."

"I know, I know... "he's not your father yada yada yada...." Change the tune, Loki.  Change it and do something about it!" Frederik looked singularly unfazed by Loki's usual outburst. In fact, he almost looked pleased.  Loki stopped, for once in his life almost dumbfounded.  Almost.

"Be careful... I will not be mocked, not even by you." Loki hissed, eyes narrowed. Frederik merely smiled.  "Speak and I may just refrain from ending your miserable little existence."

"Oh Loki, Loki, Loki. You are many things, but not a fool.  And you know it would be extremely foolish to end me, not without hearing what I have to say.  So, if you're sitting comfortably...."

Loki waved a nonchalant hand and nodded, Frederik smiled.  "Good.  Now.  You know she's on Midgard, do you not?  You know that you are stronger than all of those mortals, do you not?  So what's stopping you just going there and taking her?" 

He made it sound like the most logical thing in the world. For a second, Loki was stunned.  Why had he not thought of this?  Before he could open his mouth, Frederik stood and poured two cups of wine, handing one to Loki.  

"Because my dear Jotun, you know as well as I do, Odin will have thought of that too.  He will have anticipated your every reaction, your every possible course of action, your every possible retort."

He took a large swallow of his drink, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. "I, we, however, have the means and the might to counter ANY measures put in place by that old goat." he smirked, and Loki had to admit to the urge to do the same.

"Go on. We?" was all he did say, as he too drank the wine.

"Well, I have been busy these few years, making alliances and building if not friendships, understandings.  We would help you find her, release her, and be with her as the king you are meant to be." he smiled and reminded Loki of nothing so much as one of the snakes he was so fond of.  This time, though, this was a snake he had not conjured and was, therefore, not to be trusted in the slightest. 

"And why would you do that?  Surely not overcome with the urge to be kind?" Loki said facetiously as he downed his wine with a smile. Frederik laughed, shaking his head.

"Good Gods, no! Simply the wish to... defy Odin and make those who would bow down to him see how foolish they are. Restore you to the woman you love and the position you are entitled to."

"Try again." Loki wasn't fooled. "What  are you REALLY after?" He crossed his legs and held out his goblet for a refill.

Frederik smiled, picking up the flaggon but didn't pour. Instead, he held it above the cup and then paused. "We need a small favour."

Loki raised an eyebrow. "Really? Try again, this time with feeling?"

Frederik poured the wine and sat down. "I can see your reputation is well founded. The favour is not small.We are willing to help you if you are willing to help us. We will provide the manpower to defeat SHIELD and Odin in return for allowing us to get a foothold on Midgard. You WILL rule, but you will not rule alone. You will have a high council. Made up of those who you see fit, along with a select and majority core of our choosing."

Loke nodded slowly,as if considering the offer. "Two questions. One: Why should I need to defeat SHIELD when I could simply walk in and take her? And two: who is this WE you speak of?"

Frederik put his goblet down. "Odin has made a bargain to give Eva to SHIELD. They will 'look after' her at their facility in upstate New York. Brainwash her into believing you are the enemy and then release her.  Once you ride in on a white charger to save her, she will betray you. SHIELD will then send you to their secure facility, and hey presto! No more Loki. No more 'trouble'. And Odin's hands are lily white."

For a moment, they looked at each other. Loki took a sip, staring into the fire, contemplating what he'd said. He looked over, his eyes giving nothing away. "And two?"


Loki smirked.  The Dark Elves, no surprise there, eh? They'd been looking for revenge against Asgard since the time of Bor, Odin's father, centuries ago.  This was just too good.
He stood up and smiled. His mind raced with possibilities.

"So what are we waiting for?"

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