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"Good morning, you must be Eva." The voice cut through the noise of the market. Eva looked up and blanched.

" Your Highness." She dropped a curtsey and looked down at her hands, hiding them - and her grubby nails - behind her back.

"What can you recommend? I believe your peaches are exquisite?" He smiled, and his eyes twinkled playfully.

Eva swallowed. In her wildest dreams, she'd never expected this. It seemed that Loki not only knew her name but had been discussing her with his brother, Thor.

Who now stood before her, smiling.

"The peaches are indeed lovely, but I prefer the apples myself. Sharp as well as juicy." She smiled demurely, a little unsure if he was just playing with her.

Thor laughed loudly. "Sounds like most of the women in my life!" He winked and picked up a piece of the fruit. "So, you alone today then?" He glanced around.

Eva nodded sadly. Her uncle was sick. He'd taken to his bed with stomach pains a few days ago. Despite herbal remedies and a visit from one of their friends who was also a healer, he'd not improved. If anything, he'd gotten worse. Only able to keep water down, even that had seemed a struggle.

"Yes, my uncle is ill. There's only the two of us. " she looked up at him, and her eyes betrayed her fears.

Thor, for all his faults, was nothing if not bluffly sympathetic. He placed a huge hand on her arm. "I'm sure he will be fine." He paused and watched as she swallowed, fighting back the tears.

"Thank you." She whispered, losing the battle. "Excuse me, I... I should... please take whatever you need." She turned away and put her hand over her eyes. Stifling a sob, she tried to compose herself.

There was a scuffling of feet, and suddenly, she was enveloped in a bear hug. Arms like tree trunks, hands like shovels, wrapped themselves around her shoulders.

"Now now, little one, no need for tears. By all accounts, you are a strong one. Please, fear not, your uncle will be fine." Thor may not have known much about the finer workings women's minds, but he'd known when one needed reassurance. He'd instinctively squeezed around the back of the stall and held her gently.

As he looked down at her, he could feel her shake. It made no odds to him that he was a prince and she was a fruitseller. She was just a soul in torment.

She smiled up at him, her eyes glittering with tears, her cheeks flushed with emotion. Good grief, she was pretty. No wonder Loki remembered her so well. If one thing Loki had, it was an eye for a pretty woman.

Her smile made him happier than he could have anticipated. When he'd come to see this famous 'fruitseller', he'd imagined she would be a hardened market trader. All wide smiles, easy words, and even easier virtue. Just Loki's usual style.

How wrong he was. She was... utterly bewitching.

"I... I should go..." he stammered as he realised he was still holding her. She nodded.

"Yes. Yes, you should. But thank you. You were very kind." She pulled back and wiped her eyes on her pinafore. Thor's reputation seemed well founded. A large man, with large emotions and genuine care for his people. Someone would be a lucky princess.

They looked at each other, and Thor raised her hand to his lips. "Perhaps we shall meet again soon, Lady Eva." He said courteously, fervently hoping they would. If Loki didn't watch out, someone could steal her from under his nose. Someone like.... he was interrupted.

"Oh! I'm no lady, your Highness, but thank you. Perhaps we shall. I do have plenty of fruit for sale." She blushed a little, and he bowed, walking away.

As she watched him go, she smiled. If only his brother could have been the one to offer her comfort. Oh well, by proxy would have to do. Where was Loki anyway? No one had seen him for days, it seemed.

Loki wasn't as far away as she thought. In fact, he was standing in his rooms, looking into his globe. He'd silently watched from further down the street as Thor had approached and talked to her. Unable to hear their conversation, only see their meeting, he'd raged silently as his brother seemingly made a move on her.

Was there nothing he could want that Thor didnt try to take away? He regretted now even mentioning her to him. He'd - stupidly - thought it might be nice to share something. No, not Eva, dear Gods no. Share the excitement of the pursuit. Share his blossoming desire to know her.

They had little in common as brothers, adopted or otherwise. Perhaps a mutual wish to see Loki something other than an outcast would help them bond.

It seemed that quite the opposite was true. Thor was trying to steal her. From under his nose.

He'd turned on his heel and marched back into the palace, slamming the door to his chambers as he did so.

The servants blanched and looked at each other. The last time they'd seen him this angry, he'd ended up having the replace all the furniture in his rooms and his father hadn't spoken to him for three days.

"HAROLD!" Loki's voice roared from within the carved wooden doors. "HAROLD GET IN HERE NOW!"

Harold Sigmundson had been Loki's personal valet for ten summers. There was very little he hadnt seen. Now was no different. Jealousy. Bare naked jealousy.

"Yes Your Highness?" He bowed low and waited until Loki spoke before looking up again.

"The fruitseller - Eva ..."

"Yes sir - the one that was here?"

"Exactly. Well, I want you to buy up every last piece of fruit she has. Today and every day. I don't want her selling to anyone else. And I mean anyone. Especially not Thor." Loki scowled.

Harold bowed. He was used to Loki's unusual requests. This one was no odder than any others. "Shall I bring it to you?"

"No. I dont want it, I just don't want Thor to have it either." He smiled coldly.

"But what about the people? What if they want..." For a moment, Harold forgot to whom he was speaking. It seemed more than a little unfair to monopolise the fruit for the palace just to get back at Thor for some imagined slight.

"Are you questionning me Harold?" Loki's voice was cold and hard. Suddenly the temperature in the room had dropped several degrees. "You of all people should know better." He walked across the room and stood directly behind the servant.

Harold swallowed uncomfortably. This had taken a dark turn. He shook his head. "No sir, I was just..." he trailed off and Loki slapped his cheek gently with his gloved hand.

"Good. I thought we had an understanding, you and I . You do what I tell you, when I tell you and in return? I let you live...comfortably." he added almost as an afterthought. "Seems reasonable to me."

"Yes sir."

"So what are you waiting for? Go. NOW!"

Harold, as always, needed no second bidding. Disappearing out of the door, his feet echoed on the stone floor.

Loki sighed. Again with the perceived cruel streak. He was beginning to wonder if she was worth it. He nodded his head as he recalled the scene by the riverbank. Yes, she was worth every single second.

Thor wasn't going to win this time. No matter what it took.

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