Glorious Purpose?

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"Papa - who's that?  Why are they watching us like that?" Blezan sat head on one side and pointed curiously to a clearing just beyond the little stream.  The horses stood fetlock deep in the cool blue water, snuffling away as Loki and his son sat enjoying a picnic he'd conjured for them. The day was warm and sunny. There was a gentle buzz in the air from the bees going about their honey-making business.  It all seemed idyllic.  

Loki sat up and turned, curious. There was nothing he couldn't deal with, so he wasn't worried.  He'd been lying back on the lush grass, hands behind his head looking at the clouds and imagining what his newest son might look like.  When he saw who it was, he wasn't so much worried as downright confused.  The stranger was dressed in clothes, not unfamiliar.  But not from here.  From Midgard.  The grey haired man stood, a calm smile on his face and a long stick in his hand.  A stick that, it seemed, lit up at one end.

As he walked forward, Loki put a protective arm across Blezan's chest. "Stay there, I'll see what he wants.  If you need to, run into the woods and don't come out until I or Uncle Thor tell you to understand?" His voice echoed in the little boy's head, and Blezan nodded silently.  This, for him, wasn't an uncommon occurrence.  To hear his father in his head.  What was uncommon was the look on his father's face.  Was that fear.

"What do you want?" Loki stood, drawing a dagger and holding it by his side.  He drew himself up to his full height, raising his voice slightly in challenge.

The other - seemingly older - man smiled gently.  "It's ok Loki, I'm not here to harm you.  Quite the opposite, really," he laughed softly. "Quite the opposite." He stooped and laid the stick on the grass, holding his arms open in a gesture of surrender.  "I just want to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Now that's a lie right there," There was no malice, just a gentle humour at something he seemingly knew over Loki. "You LOVE to talk.  Talkie talkie talkie" he made talking faces out of his hands and Blezan sniggered behind his father's back elliciting a soft growl.  

"Sorry, Papa." the little boy said, not entirely truthfully.  He continued to look at the newcomer. Anyone who could face up to his Papa unafraid was worthy of his attention.

Loki scowled.  "Who are you?"

"Mobius.  Don't you remember me?  Oh, no, of course not.  You weren't even here the last time I visited.  Eva will, though.  She'll remember." Mobius smiled again. "I bet she grew into a beautiful woman."

"Silence.  Tell me why you're here, scaring my boy!" Loki commanded, uncomfortable not only with the stranger's presence but the fact he knew Eva. Well, it seemed too.

"Silence?  Or tell you?  Can't do both, I'm afraid.  Not even the TVA can accomplish that little feat." Mobius laughed at his own joke, shaking his head.  He now stood, hands on his hips, suit jacket brushed back to reveal a body that suggested desk warrior rather than field.  Loki relaxed a little. Someone like Mobius would be an easy takedown if needs be.

"Ok, don't be clever. It doesn't suit you." Loki snarked. "Tell me."

Mobius nodded. "Ok, but I think we'd be better to talk back at the palace. This will involve Eva too." he walked forward and picked up the stick.  Loki's grip tightened around the dagger.  Mobius sighed and shook his head. "Always the same with you, isn't it?  Suspicion.  Look, I need your help.  Eva and..." he peered round Loki towards where the boy sat "Blezan, will need you."

Now Loki had heard enough.  Eyes blazing, he stalked across to Mobius and glowered down. "How do you know who he is?  All about us?  Who ARE you?  If you don't tell me, son or no son, I will gut you like a fish..." he held the dagger up.  Mobius looked at it, then back to Loki's face.

"I don't threaten Loki. It's adorable you think I do, but....well when you've lived as long in the TVA as me?  You've heard them all.  None really has any weight. Not when you know what I know.  What you will know." 

Loki looked into Mobius eyes, and for a moment, saw the real man.  Not the "suit" not the "TVA" whatever the Helheim THAT was, but the man.  A tired man, who'd obviously been searching for something for a very VERY long time. Most of all?  Not a threat.

The dagger melted into thin air, and despite his apparent bravado, Mobius let out a sigh of relief.

"Good, that's the first sensible thing you've done since I got here." he smiled and held out his hand in a proper greeting.  Loki, despite himself, smiled and nodded, taking it.

"Come on... what did you expect?" he countered with a smile.

They mounted up Blezan and his father on his mount Vind, named for a famed Valkyrie horse and Mobius on Blezan's mare, Sif.  Loki had bristled at the boy's choice of name but also took small comfort in the fact he could always claim Lady Sif had a horse's arse.

Mobius was, it seemed, a decent rider. "I was a cowboy in another life!" was all he said, making Blezan frown in puzzlement. 

"What's a cowboy Papa?" He asked as they trotted back to the palace. Loki huffed a laugh, disguising the fact he, too, had absolutely no clue. 

"I'm sure Mobius will tell you ALL about it later, Blez." was all he commented, with a side eye at their new companion. "I have a feeling old Mobius here has rather ALOT to tell us when we get back." 

"Less of the old if you don't mind!" Mobius chided with a smile.  This was going better than he'd expected.  When OB and B15 had sent him to find Loki, he had expected the worst.  After all, every other encounter had ended in disaster.  Why should this one be any different?  As he approached the palace, he looked up and saw a face at a window.  Two faces, to be exact.  THAT was why.

The white face, with the little girl clutching at her.... oh shit.... at her obviously pregnant stomach.  Mobius paused. Maybe this wasn't going to be so cut and dried after all.  He took a deep breath and plodded on.  

Attempt 573 under way.......

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