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Malekith walked up towards the palace and looked up at the walls.  It had been a long, very long time since he'd been here.  He turned to his companion, looking at him with suspicion. "Well?  We're here.  Where is he?"

Frederik turned and smiled coolly.  "All in good time, all in good time.  Loki and Zola are in the palace now.  They returned only this morning. My sources tell me that Zola is desperate.  He'll want to come with you if it means getting away from the vengeance of Asgard.  We can use him to make sure there is no resistance to your plans, my Lord." Frederik half bowed, and Malekith side-eyed him.  What was this little snake up to.

"Good." He made no indication that he was suspicious of Frederik.  "You have a safe house meantime?"  Frederik nodded.

"Yes, my father's old house is still unoccupied.  We will be well hidden, especially with the precautions you have taken, my Lord."  There was something in his tone that just grated on the Dark Elf.  "Neither Heimdal nor Loki will be able to see us and will be ripe for the plucking."

Malekith smiled, this time a genuinely cold and calculating smile.  Be rid of that irritating Jotun?  Get access to the "secret weapon" SHIELD so desperately wanted AND take over what should have been his all along?  The ruling of Yggdrasil from Asgard?  Life just didn't get sweeter.  Well, actually, it did, but not quite yet.  He still had need of that particular little toy......

Loki and Eva dragged the whimpering Zola before Odin and threw him at his feet.  "Bow, bow down before the AllFather and pray he shows you the mercy we would not." Loki thundered theatrically.  Frigga rolled her eyes and sniggered behind her hand.  Odin glared at the cowering lump of humanity, now almost licking the floor.  It never failed to amaze - and amuse him how the Midgardians reacted to Asgard.

They fell mainly into two camps.  Those who were astonished and intrigued and generally respectfully amazed, like that man Fury his son had introduced a few years ago.  Or, like this one, who cowered and whimpered as if they were about to meet some grisly fate.  Which, in all honesty, he was.  Well, not quite.  Fate, yes, grisly, no.

"Stand up mortal.  Show me that you are a man and not a mouse." Odin commanded, glaring at him. Frigga took a step back. All these theatrics made her lose the composure expected of the Queen of Asgard.  She turned and whispered to one of her ladies in waiting, who curtseyed and left.  Turning back, she laid a hand on Odin's arm.

"What?  Can you not see? I am busy with this... this mewling Quim?!" he turned to her, his eye catching Loki's who smirked at the phrase knowingly.

"AllFather, please may I be excused?  I think the Princess Eva will wish to wash and change.  This would be a good time for her.  While you men dish out the justice." she simpered and Odin frowned at her.  What game was she playing? Frigga was NEVER this subservient.  She stared him in the eye, raising an eyebrow.  

"Very well, you are excused.  You too Princess." he turned to Eva, who looked at Loki questioningly.  Loki shrugged, he had no clue what was going on.  Eva saluted Odin and climbed the steps to the side to meet Frigga.  She bobbed her head and the two women left, quietly chatting.

Loki and Odin exchanged a brief glance that agreed neither of them had the faintest idea what was going on there.

"Emil Zola.  You are a weasel of a man.  You are vicious, nasty, evil and sadistic.  None of these things in themselves are worthy of punishment." Odin sat down on the throne, Gungnir resting against his knee.  Loki shot a glance at him in shock.  What?  Odin didn't blink.  Didn't move.  "However, what you are, is a traitor.  And THAT, more than anything is unforgiveable."

"B...but I am not... I didn't mean... This is all a mistake..." Zola began to babble in a panic. Getting to his feet, he took a step forward and Odin growled at him loudly.  He instinctively retreated, his back meeting the armour of the god that brought him.

"Going somewhere little man?" Loki whispered down into his ear, making Zola cower and whimper again.

"Not to me." Odin continued. "To your own people.  And to my sons. "  his use of the plural made Loki stop short. 

Now his glance at Odin was of realisation. This had been the first time Odin had cast him in equal light to Thor in public. He didn't speak though, he just let Odin continue.

"Being a traitor is the one thing that shows you are unworthy.  Of your obvious talents, misused though they may be.  Of your position within the Midgardian's organisation.  Of life."  Now he stood and walked down the steps to where Zola stood shaking and visibly crying.  "You are to be put to death. Heimdal will send you into the Cosmos on the Bifrost to an unknown location, and you are to be marooned there for the rest of your days.  You will have no aid, you will have no food or shelter of any kind.  No soul will be allowed to come near you.  How long you last is your own decision.  I will allow one comfort." he turned to the guard nearest him.  "Your dagger, soldier," he commanded.

The soldier snapped to attention and handed over his personal weapon without hesitation.  Odin handed it in turn to Zola, but before releasing his grip, he leaned forward.

"Think of plunging this into me, my sons, or ANYONE on this realm, and I shall see you have the most painful, extended death you can't possibly imagine.  Do I make myself clear?" he stood back, releasing the prisoner.  "Before you are exiled, two more things.  One: The dagger.  You can choose to try and use it as a survival tool, although I don't think you have the skills. And Two: You are still of use to us.  Before you are cast out, I need you as bait.  I have a little 'problem' and you can help.  If I am successful, I may just be merciful and give you supplies to last a few days. If you betray me?  If you try and escape - and remember Heimdal sees ALL - I will take even this dagger away from you, and you will be cast into the vastness of space to float for eternity." he drew closer to the openly shattered man. "Do I make myself clear?" he hissed.

"Yes," Zola whispered, utterly broken. 

"Yes, what?" Loki poked him in he back with his own dagger.

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Good, now Loki, take him away and do what needs to be done.  We need to make sure this all goes to plan.  I don't want to have to deal with the Elves  - or Malekith - a third time."  He turned to go up the steps.  "And Loki?"

"Yes....Father?" Loki paused, hand round Zola's neck as he marched him away.  He smiled amiably, and Odin returned it.

"Well done."

Loki nodded, in truth, unable to speak. He walked away, feeling the surge of something he never thought he would.  Genuine affection for Odin.

Odin smiled after he had gone.  With a sigh, he shook his head.  Now, what were those infernal women up to?  He trudged away.  He may be the AllFather.  He may rule the nine realms, but women?  He'd never understand them if he lived to be ten thousand!"

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