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"Hello, Little Sister!"

Eva sat up; shell shocked didn't even cover half of what she felt.. "Where.... why.... how in the Hel?" Her mind flooded with questions, her breath disappearing in her chest.

Frederik walked over and sat beside her, gathering her into a hug. "Shhhhh, time for that later, kjaer, my beloved sister. For now? Hugs me?"

Anna retreated and left them to it. She'd seen the man around the palace before. He'd appeared about six months ago, ending up as a groom in the stable that housed Odin's steed Sleipnir. Now and again, their paths had crossed, and he had always seemed slightly withdrawn. Watchful. Honestly? He'd given her the creeps.

But, if as it now appeared, he was related to Princess Eva, then who was she to judge. All the same.....

Thor and Loki walked through the audience chamber and into the anteroom they used for ceremonies. Here, they usually took a cup of wine while they readied themselves. It was a small, private chamber with only one door and no windows. It was also "their" space. Had been since they were children.

Loki conjured them some mulled wine, and they sat on the chairs beside the fireplace, initially in silence. After a few sips of the warming wine, both relaxed a little. It was exhausting work being in the right all they time!

"Ok, so what happened while I was gone?" Loki looked over at Thor, concern etched on his face and in his mind...

When he'd returned to the clearing, the ceremony was over, and the pyre was alight.  Odin was talking to a man maybe a few years older than Eva, a hand on his shoulder, deep in earnest conversation.

As Loki approached, the man looked up, said something to Odin, and then left.

"Father? Who was that? And who lit the pyre?" Loki asked as he drew level.

"No one you need concern yourself with and her brother." Odin airily replied. "How is Eva?"

"Her BROTHER?" his eyes darted to the retreating figure then back at Odin.  He returned the gaze steadily, giving nothing away.  Loki knew now was not the time to cause more trouble. "Resting, as well she should.  I should like to be there when she recovers. She will be upset." For once, his tone was soft, almost respectful. Odin surveyed him.

"You must think I arrived here with the last shower of rain, Loki." He scowled at Loki. "I am neither blind nor senile. To allow you even one visit alone would be foolish. You taking her to her chambers was a necessary indulgence. I told you before, you are forbidden." Odin narrowed his gaze and his tone became smug. "She doesn't need you, Loki. She has her brother now."

Frigga arrived just in time to hear the barbed comment and feel the anguish of her younger son. She sighed deeply and shook her head. Would Odin never learn?

Loki looked at his father with a face of pure misery. Her BROTHER? His mind could barely form the words. He looked at Odin, then his mother and finally Thor. "Am I the last to know this?" he asked, trying to keep a lid on his rising anger.

Frigga and Thor looked at one another, then all three pairs of eyes - Thor, Frigga, and Loki trained themselves on The Allfather.  "No, Loki, you're not." Thor's voice echoed in the silence.

Odin looked at them. Should he tell the truth? No, why should he. He was The Allfather. He needed loyalty, not suspicion. He needed faith, not cross-examination. He also needed a quiet life. Even he needed peace sometimes.

Frigga spoke first. "Odin, did you search for him, or did he approach you?"

"You dare question me, woman?" Odin's face clouded over. Frigga said nothing, just continued to stare at him, arms folded.

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