Part 1

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Harry looks up when his floo roars to life. Immediately he has his wand in his hand and trained on the figure that steps out of the floo. He knows it can only be one person, but still, without the paranoia he now wields like a shield, he would've been dead a hundred times over.

''What is my current Patronus?''

''A Thestral, if you even can produce one,'' Comes the light voice beneath the hood. She pulls it back and looks at him with a sad expression—something he hates seeing on Luna Lovegoods's face.

''Hi Luna,'' Harry tries to smile, but he knows it's more of a grimace.

''Hi Harry, when are you relocating?'' She asks while hugging him close.

Luna is the only one still in his life who hasn't ever tried to betray him or died to protect him. She is his most loyal friend and the only person he speaks to now. He feels a bit like a sad fuck when he thinks about it too much.

''As soon as possible. The wards should be settled into the rune sequence within the hour.'' Harry is already moving away from her. Even if his arms still tingle from the lost contact and want to reach out again, but he knows he can't afford it. He can't afford to get too attached, even if the only person in the world he could even get attached to is, at this moment, Luna.

She hums, and Harry knows he should look at her, take in her face so he won't ever forget her, but the pain that's raw in his heart doesn't want him to, so he starts packing his sparse belongings into the backpack without glancing at his blonde friend.

He hates to think about how it has come to this, but his mind loves playing tricks on him.


After winning the war against Voldemort, he truly hoped to have a normal life.

Only for that feeling to be shattered after six months of living in peace. He had gotten a missive from Shacklebolt, the Minister at the time, to come to the Ministry. Harry thought it was because of his newly gained Lordships and the responsibility that came with it. He was slowly learning with Hermione, Neville, and Luna about them every spare hour he had while also studying for his NEWTS. But he wasn't an expert just yet.

After entering the Ministry, however, he found himself cornered by Aurors, Minister Shacklebolt himself, and some of the remaining Order members.

Harry was arrested without an explanation and thrown in the holdings cells in the Ministry. He spent hours screaming, not understanding at all what was happening, and demanding an explanation. But he soon understood that nobody was coming for him, and his stomach sank.

A couple of days after his arrest, he was brought before the entire Wizengamot. He immediately thought back to the farce of a trial he had gotten before his fifth year and couldn't help but sneer at the sight.

''Dear members of the Wizengamot. We are here today for the trial of Harry James Potter-'' Shacklebolt started, making Harry protest in anger. ''Trial?! What kind of trial? What shite is this Shacklebo-''

''Aurors, silence him!'' The Minister thundered, making the Aurors immediately snap to attention. Sending a powerful Silencio to Harry, he couldn't do anything else for the moment than listen to what Shacklebolt was saying and fume in silence.

''As I was saying, the trial of Harry James Potter. There has been brought evidence forward by none other than Albus Dumbledore, former Headmaster and Chief of the Wizengamot himself.'' Whispers of disbelief went through the room, and Harry couldn't help but gape. Dumbledore was dead... Had been for multiple years. What the hell was this about?

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