Part 9

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Buckle up. There is a lot happening in this chapter!
- Knights meeting
- Death being a little shit
- Dumbledore's trial
- Harry being a little shit and Tom being way too sexy, seriously Tom, calm yourself, Harry's bi heart can't take it. (a bit of smut)
- And a surprise character pops up!!



Harry's POV;

''I'm planning a meeting next Friday, you should come.''

''Hello to you too, Tom, nice weather we're having, don't you think?'' Harry says sarcastically when Tom falls into the seat beside him, pushing Hector away. The boy raises an eyebrow at Harry as if asking, 'Do you need help?' which is hilarious because Hector is such a sweet guy.

Harry waves him off with a small smile. Thankfully, Hector takes it in stride and turns to the table Tom usually sits at with Alexander Nott. Nott raises an eyebrow at Hector but doesn't sneer at him, which surprises Harry. He had expected that Nott was a blood purist. He lets it go for now in favor of focusing back on Tom.

Tom is reading through his Charm notes as if he hadn't just dropped the senior Death Eaters in Harry's lap. He must know how Harry struggles with this, but it's Tom. He probably doesn't give a flying fuck about how Harry feels about them. As long as Harry can work with Tom, there isn't a problem in his eyes.

Even if Harry is uncomfortable, most of the Knights had started treating him as a second coming of Merlin (or the second coming of Tom, if you ask the prat himself) after he had taught Mulciber, Malfoy, and Avery a lesson. But those days are over. Most of them don't treat him like that anymore, but it's clear that they don't know how to handle him since there haven't been any other signs that Harry is on their side, or at least, an equal to Tom.

Harry tries to wait him out but already knows he will lose. With a sigh, he asks. ''Why should I join your 'Knights' meeting?''

''They need to know that you're going to rule by my side, rumors are starting up again, even after what happened with Mulciber and McLaggen.'' Tom shoots him a look, not mentioning Dumbledore, even if Harry knows how impressed Tom was with Harry with the tongue-lashing he had given everyone in that office.

''So what? I come to a meeting, assert my dominance, and am free to go to do my thing for the next month until they question things again?'' Harry asks incredulously. Harry begins to think he truly dodged an Avada by not choosing Slytherin at the beginning of this year; the shit that happens behind the scenes is giving him a headache.

''You could join every meeting from now on, change their opinions, and build a resistance with me,'' Tom says in his honey-sweet tone. Harry knows he is just being manipulative.

''If I'm coming, I'm bringing my friends. Your 'resistance' shouldn't only be Slytherins hating Muggleborns, we've talked about this.'' Harry says with a frown.

Tom lets out an ugh sound that he makes sure only Harry hears. Harry hides a smirk behind his hand.

''Fine, bring your Mudblood-'' ''Tom.'' Harry warns and Tom raises his hand in surrender. ''Muggle-born friend and your other blood traitor friends, we'll see how they hold up in the meeting.'' He finishes with a sniff. Harry pinches his side for the name-calling, making Tom glare at him.

''Don't call my friends by those names, and we'll make sure that Wizarding Britain will be the center of the Wizarding World again. But we need to do it with everyone that has magical blood. Not just Purebloods, not just powerful Halfbloods, but with every Wixenkind and Creature. The first thing to fix in that ideal world is-'' Harry says passionately until he's interrupted.

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