Part 8

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SO, there will be fluff and smut and a badass Harry! Not in that order! ENJOY!

P.s. I loveeeedd writing this chapter.


Last time;

''Please arrest Mister Riddle. He has taken advantage of Mister Peverell during a potion accident and has raped him during the potion-fueled daze. He also threatened to kill another who tried to stop Mister Riddle from taking advantage of Mister Peverell.''

What the fuck?!


Tom's POV;

This can't be happening.

This can't be happening.

He got away with literal murder! And now some fucking shit of a teenager thinks he can accuse him of rape!?

He would never have taken advantage of Hadrian!

Well, not since he started to know the tosser at least. Maybe when he still thought he would get away with it, but rape?! He would never do something like that. He doesn't even want to touch most people. Why would he want to rape someone?

The Aurors take a step forward, and Tom's eyes widen. How can he get out of this? Dumbledore will never believe a word he says, and even if Veritaserum is used, which it probably won't, the Aurors have already made their judgments based on Dumbledore. The glance they give the Transfiguration teacher tells him enough.

They are biased. Probably Gryffindors and, of course, the Slytherin student must have done something wrong because nobody would suspect the Gryffindor!

Tom looks at Slughorn, but the fool is shaking all over, clearly in disbelief at what is happening but too afraid for his own hide to say or do anything that's happening right now. Dippet is a toerag everyone can waltz over, so he didn't expect any help there.

Tom is completely screwed.

''How dare you?'' Hadrian whispers furiously, and Tom can hear a hint of Death in his voice. The whole office falls silent at his tone and words, knowing they are in the company of a bigger predator. Although they have no idea how much bigger Hadrian as a predator can be.

Hadrian cuts a look at McLaggen before glaring at Dumbledore. McLaggen shrinks back behind the Aurors. Even the Aurors are wavering now in the face of an angry Hadrian. Clearly not used to feeling intimidated, especially not by a mere teenager.

''How dare you stand there and accuse Tom of something he didn't do. Of something he wouldn't do? How dare you stand there and slander his name while he has helped me in that so-called potion-fueled daze, while Pollux McLaggen was the one who dozed me and-'' Hadrian starts, completely losing his composure in his anger, only to be interrupted by the most hated teacher. Well, most hated by Tom, at least.

''Now, see hear my boy-'' Dumbledore tries to intervene. ''-there is no need to throw out very serious accusations. Tom here, is-''

''A what? A Slytherin? A prodigy at potions and spells? The fucking Lord of Slytherin?!'' Hadrian roars through the office, glaring at anyone in attendance except for Tom.

The two Aurors, Dippet and McLaggen, blanch. McLaggen also turns a very pasty shade of white. Dumbledore's face goes through a merry of emotions, but he gets it quickly under control. Slughorn, however, seems almost ready to swoon in awe.

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