Part 7

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A/N; Ohh,, you're going to hate me.


Harry's POV;

Harry wasn't sure how to celebrate Yule, but thankfully, Tom does. They do a ritual together and exchange some gifts. Harry had bought a tome from Borgin's and Burke's for Tom with the history of Dark magic and a practice Snitch for fun. Tom was not amused with the second gift. He wonders why.

Harry had received a new high-quality robe with the Gryffindor and Peverell coat of arms, which would be good for the Wizengamot meetings they would participate in. It was also beautiful and fitted perfectly. How Tom had guessed his size was something he didn't want to think about. He thinks Mipsy snitched.

He also had gotten some Quidditch gloves for Billius, an invisibility cloak for Charlus (who had complained multiple times that his brother had the Potter cloak that had been passed through the generations while he wasn't even in school anymore), and a bracelet that would strengthen Occlumency shields for Hector who wasn't as practiced as the others, mostly to keep Dumbledore out of his mind, but Harry thinks only Hector has truly and completely changed his opinion about the Transfiguration professor.

Harry had received books about dueling from Billius, a nice broom polishing kit from Charlus with a standing invitation to visit Potter Manor so Harry could meet the rest of the family. Harry didn't think he would accept that invitation, but he would think about it first. From Hector, he had gotten a new exploding snap card set and a Honeyduke assortment of his favorites.

The rest of the holiday was mostly spent in the library, but Harry had coaxed Tom into a seekers match at least once! It isn't his fault Tom doesn't like to lose.

On 31 December, he noticed that Tom hadn't gotten any owls from his Slytherin friends, which was weird to Harry. Tom was also very silent in the morning, but Harry didn't comment on it. He had plans for today, so he dragged Tom with him and didn't want to hear any complaints.

The way Tom's eyes widened when they went to a habitat for magical animals was worth it though.

''Happy birthday, Tom,'' Harry said softly. Not wanting to draw attention to them or the mention of Tom's birthday.

Harry had hated his own birthdays until he went to Hogwarts. The Dursleys always worked him harder on those days, and with his own rule not to sleep before the clock struck twelve, it had been hard days for him.

He could only imagine how it had been for Tom in the Orphanage, and at Hogwarts, with an almost empty castle during the holidays.

Harry didn't think that Tom liked his birthdays. Maybe he hadn't even told his friends when his birthday was. It wouldn't surprise Harry in the slightest.

''Thank you,'' Tom replied without looking at Harry. They strolled through the habitat, delighted when they saw magical snakes that hissed in annoyance from being watched, but were quick to declare their love to them when they found out that Tom and Harry could understand them.

''We cannot take them with us, Harry,'' Tom said with a smile on his lips, way too amused with the situation.

''Ah, come on! Look at her eyes! She would be so sweet, even Levi likes her! He doesn't like anyone.'' Harry pleaded, but Tom wouldn't be moved, so he left the deadly magical Black Mamba where it was.

Levi, or rather Leviathan, because Tom couldn't use regular names like a normal person, was the snake they had saved from Morphin's shack. He was a pain in the ass and climbed on their arms to get under their robes whenever he could or would be lying directly in front of the fire to get some heat from it. Which was Harry's favorite spot in the library- thank you very much.

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