Part 11

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Helloo lovelies!

I hope you enjoy this chapter!! It's a bit of a filler but there will be explicit smut in here!



Harry's POV;


''Yes, my Master?'' The recognizable drawl sounds from behind him.

Harry turns to the deity and pouts. ''Sorry for interrupting, but I'm ridiculously bored. Do you know any fun things to do?''

A smirk spreads over Death's face, and Harry can't help but think that he is in a lot of trouble if Hermione and Tom ever find out he asked Death for ideas.

But on the other hand, it's definitely their fault. They are too busy to spend time with him, and Harry has given his opinion on the subjects they are working on, but his ambitions genuinely don't lie within politics. Hermione knows exactly what his view is, so he trusts her not to be steamrolled by Tom.

''Well, Master, I'm in a bit of a pickle, there are a few creatures that shouldn't have been on this side of the Veil but, because of Wixenkind, have found themselves in the land of the living while they should be in my domain.''

Harry can't help but frown. ''So you want me to kill them or something?'' He's growing a bit apprehensive; why would Death ask him for something like that?

''I can't interfere because I'm Death, but you, as a mortal-'' Harry narrows his eyes at Death. Why did he waver when telling Harry that he was mortal? Before Harry can think anything of it, Death speaks again, ''-can let's call it 'help' these creatures.''

Harry crosses his arms, feeling a bit uncomfortable. ''Why were they in your domain? And why are they here now?''

''They were my helpers in the more.. unpleasant parts of my domain.'' Death almost seems a bit apprehensive in telling him.

Harry frowns. ''Unpleasant parts? Like hell or something?''

Death frowns. ''I don't like that name, but the mortals have named it that, yes.''

Harry looks around his room, his broom is standing against the windowsill, and his schoolbooks are tossed around. He doesn't want to stay in his room, doesn't want to fly, and Hermione and Tom have taken over the library.

He sighs and looks back at Death. ''What do I have to do?''

The grin Death gives him is a bit terrifying.


''Mipsy!'' Harry calls his loyal elf as soon as he lands back in his room. She pops into the room with a big smile, only for her eyes to grow in horror and fright.

''Master Hadrian! Sir! You is-''

''Yeah, yeah, can you bring some chocolate, maybe?'' His voice is a bit hoarse, but he feels satisfied.

''Sir needs a healer!'' She shrieks.

Harry waves her words away. ''Nah, according to Death, I will be right as rain after a nap.'' He hopes he isn't slurring as much as he thinks he is, but he's exhausted.

Her eyes fill with tears, but Harry makes her promise not to tell Hermione and Tom about this before falling into bed after the large piece of chocolate Mipsy had gotten him.

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