Part 5

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The dueling competition!
The Slytherin-Gryffindor match!
And a little bit more!



Harry's POV;

"Mr. Peverell, please stay after class."

Harry frowns but nods at Dumbledore before turning to Charlus and Hector, who had been sitting next to him during Transfiguration.

"I'll see you in the Great Hall." He tells them.

"Are you sure, Hadrian?" Charlus asks while shooting a quick look at Dumbledore.

Harry hides his smirk. The guys in the dorm didn't like the fact that Dumbledore had hurt Harry, even if he was aiming for a Slytherin. That shouldn't be accepted at all, according to them.

Harry is quite relieved that the Gryffindor and Slytherins in this time are a lot more tolerable of each other than in the future. He hopes he can change it so the rivalry he grew up with will not be there. It should just be a friendly school competition, not a line no one dared to cross for friendship, only for angry insults and hexes.

"Yes, I'll be fine. Keep some Treacle Tart apart for me."

Charlus lights up. He loves Treacle Tart almost as much as Harry does. "Sure, mate!"

Then they nod and leave, meanwhile, Harry is pushing his emotions behind his Occlumency walls. He doesn't want Dumbledore to know how much he loathes him.

When the class is empty of students, he turns to his old Headmaster. It's still a bit jarring to see Dumbledore this young. His eyes focus on the man's nose. Even if his Occlumency walls have drastically improved, he doesn't trust the Professor not to try anything.

"Mr. Peverell, I just wanted to check if everything is alright. I was distraught when I hit you with the spell, that was not intended, and I wanted to offer my sincerest apologies." Dumbledore says with his hands clasped in front of him. His robes are red today with yellow stripes—quite Gryffindorish.

Harry turns his head down a bit and bites his lip. "I know, sir. Thank you for apologizing," He replies without offering anything more. Knowing that Dumbledore knows it's an insult because he doesn't offer his forgiveness.

It's silent for a moment. Dumbledore is clearly waiting for more before he sighs.

"That's not the only reason I wanted you to stay back."

"Sir?" Harry asks with a frown, curious about what Dumbledore wants.

"You see, I want to... warn you in a way."

Harry blinks a couple of times. "Warn me for what, sir?"

Dumbledore gestures to the chair in front of his desk, and Harry reluctantly takes a seat.

Dumbledore leans against his desk with his arms crossed, looking troubled.

"I want to warn you against competing against Mr. Riddle next Thursday."

Harry bites his cheek, just succeeding in biting back an angry retort.

"Why don't you want me dueling against Riddle? Sir?" He adds as an afterthought.

Dumbledore looks out of the window until he starts talking again. "Mr. Riddle is a very - troubled young man. I am afraid that if you best him in a duel, there will be repercussions that cannot be controlled."

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