Part 6

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A/N TBH I really don't know how I got to the ending of this chapter...


Harry's POV;

When Harry walked back from the library after his 'study date' (He did not call it that, but Alphard did). He immediately knew something was wrong. And it was not Death that hovered in his head from time to time this time.

No. He knew something was wrong because he was still paranoid and attentive to his surroundings.

Harry ducked in a couple of passages to escape the people who were following him, but it soon became clear that they were insistent.

He turned a corner and called the cloak to him, waiting to see who had been following him this evening.

Abraxas Malfoy was the first around the corner, soon followed by Evan Mulciber and Adam Rosier.

He already expected Mulciber to retaliate sometime soon, same as Malfoy, but Rosier was a surprise.

But he had been a follower of Voldemort when he was older, and the manic light in his eyes told Harry that it had been for the reason that he liked the savageness that came with following the Dark Lord.

Harry scrunched up his nose. He hated to think of Tom being a Dark Lord. If he could help it, Tom would never end up like Voldemort. He just hoped he was taking the right steps for it.

Tom knew now how he could end up, and it seemed like he was adamant about not ending up like Voldemort, but you couldn't be too careful. And Harry didn't know if he would stay permanently in this timeline. If he could stay in this timeline , he seriously was out of his debt in Time Magic. Maybe he should find a new Hermione. She always knew what was happening and was the smartest witch of her age. A pang of pain shot through him with thinking about his former sister because that's what she was—his sister in everything but blood.

And she was gone. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Thinking about his former life always brought pain with it.

His mind flitted to Tom, who was brilliant in a more detached way, but Harry couldn't put it out of his head how Tom could light up when he learned something new.

He just hoped that Tom could make the right call eventually for himself so he won't turn into Voldemort.

Harry watched the three teenagers look for him before dispelling the cloak when their backs were turned. He was itching for a confrontation. Yes, he was regularly dueling with Tom, but it wasn't as brutal as it could be. Harry was used to the dirty fighting; in his former timeline, nobody played fair, and no, Tom wasn't holding back, but they weren't actively trying to kill each other. They needed each other too much for that.

Maybe Harry was just curious as to why these teenagers were trying to corner him.

They should have left him alone. Tom had made it clear that he had issued that order. But these lost little snakes were not here with clean intentions. And as Harry said, he was itching for a fight.

''Looking for someone?'' He casually said while leaning against the wall. A clear sign to the others that he didn't see them as a threat.

The three Slytherins swiveled around with their wands leveled at him.

''Yes. You.'' Rosier said with a grin. Harry almost rolled his eyes at the display and turned to Malfoy.

''You should know better than this.'' He said with a sneer. If Malfoy had any brains, he should know how bad an idea it was for them to go against Tom's orders. But it seemed like the Slytherins were determined.

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