Part 4

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For everyone that recognized it, I put a little quote from All for the Game in the last chapter! Loveee those books! If you don't know what I'm talking about, go, go, go, go read them yourself! They are amazing!

Here is the new chapter, I'm not completely happy with how it turned out, and nothing is really happening, so it's a bit of a filler, but the next chapters will have enough action, because we will have the Slytherin-Gryffindor match! And the Dueling championship from Merrythought that will bring some new characters into play because Merrythought will, of course, sell tickets for the whole shebang. Who's gonna stop her?

That's right no one!


Albus had been aiming for Tom, hoping to cut the boy down, he just knew that Tom Riddle was bad news ever since he had visited him in the Orphanage all those years ago. The boy stole, manipulated, and spoke Parseltongue! He couldn't be anything else but Dark, only the Peverell heir pushed him out of the way, and now he was hit by Albus's spell.

Albus gritted his teeth while he tried to be sympathetic. He hadn't expected such quick reflexes. If he had hit Riddle, he was sure the boy would have been heavily injured, something he could take advantage of. If the boy had been unconscious, he could've 'planted' some suggestions for the future.

But alas.

''Oh, dear heavens! I thought it was too dangerous for two wands to be aimed at someone with only a sword. I truly hope Mister Peverell is going to be fine!'' He exclaimed.

''What the bloody hell, Albus!?'' Constance Merrythought shrieked while making her way to her unconscious student.

''I'm truly sorry, this shouldn't have happened.'' He said sincerely while making his way over to Constance and Peverell. He truly didn't want the Gryffindor to be hurt too badly. It would be a shame to have such a powerful ally against him.

''But it was your meaning to blast me away because I had two wands at my disposal?'' An irate voice broke through the silence. Albus's eyes hardened, and he turned to look at the blight of Hogwarts.

Tom Riddle seemed to be towering over him, even if the boy was smaller than him. He radiated anger but also something that seemed like concern?

Mh, that's peculiar. Tom never shows emotions other than anger, indignation, and smugness. Of course, he seemed polite and sympathetic towards others, but Albus knew better.

''I only wanted to make sure nobody got hurt during this... duel.''

''Professor Merrythought had it handled,'' Tom replied, making Albus's eyes narrow.

''That's not how it looked from my point of view, but you are correct. Professor Merrythought is the specialist in this field, of course. My apologies for stepping in, Constance. How is Mister Peverell?'' He dismissed Riddle, taking glee at the fact that the student was fuming by being disregarded so easily.

Constance was mumbling some very crude words under her breath that Albus probably wasn't supposed to hear, but he ignored it.

''He's going to be fine, probably going to have one major headache, but I'll take him to the infirmary, and he will be good as rain tomorrow.'' Constance tried to get up, but it was clear that her old knees weren't as they used to be.

Tom Riddle stepped in. ''Professor, I could take Peverell to the infirmary. I can return his wand while at it and explain what happened, of course, when he rouses.'' Tom proposed, and Albus kept watching. He didn't know yet what Tom's end goal was, but he should warn Peverell from becoming close to the Slytherin.

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