Part 10

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A new chapter!!

YEAS!! It's very heavy with Hermione's POV, so I hope you'll all be okay with that! There are also some time skips, but nothing major.

There will be a slight mention of non/con, rape, child loss, and character death. I've tried not to be explicit about it, but just a warning that these topics will be in this chapter.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Hermione's POV;

''Harry, I-I don't know what happened.'' Hermione stutters with tears in her eyes, her hands are on her stomach, and truly, she doesn't know. She hates that she doesn't. How could this have happened?

''What are you talking about, Mione?'' Harry laughs a bit awkwardly, running his right hand through his hair with a bitter smile on his face. ''You know where-''

''Of course I know!'' She snaps, and he looks at her with wide eyes. It doesn't matter how powerful Harry James Potter is, or how much he has grown from that scrawny young boy since they met. He will always have a heavy respect for an angry woman. Especially if that woman's name is Hermione Granger.

She knew something was wrong when she woke up two weeks ago after a night of drinking with Harry and Ron, because she couldn't remember most of the night, which was strange. She always remembers and never indulges too much. But the morning after, she couldn't remember a thing. Ron had laughed it off, and she had tried to forget it.

Only now...

''Harry, I never had sex before. I didn't want it during the war, and I haven't felt ready-'' she tried to explain through her tears. She feels ashamed admitting it. Isn't wanting sex something most people go crazy about? Especially during their adolescent years? Hermione had never felt that yearning, the lust that Lavender and Parvati, or even Ginny, went on about. She just didn't feel it. At first, she blamed the war, but she knows better. It just isn't something that attracts her. She feels love, romantic love even, but she doesn't feel bodily attraction.

So how, in Morgana's name, can she be pregnant?

Harry slowly reaches out, his face grave. And she is so happy to have him, to have him as her brother in all but blood, especially now she has lost her parents forever. Hermione folds into his arms willingly and sobs. Sharing what she found out, sharing what she suspects is going on with Harry himself, and sharing the hurt they both will go through.

Because she knows they will lose the people they thought were their family.


''We need to run, Harry, they are coming.'' They have been on the run for just a few months. Hermione thought it would be the same as when they had been Horcrux hunting. But boy, had she been wrong.

War changes people.

What happened to her just months ago changed her .

She still doesn't know what happened exactly that night when she got pregnant, but the memory hole in her head is very suspicious. The only thing she did know was that the father was Ronald. It had broken her heart, her trust, and if you asked her, almost her soul.

Thankfully, Harry was by her side through it all. And he knew she wanted to fight her own battles. So he kept out of it, but they both knew that Ronald was leading the search for the 'boy-who-conquered-turned-dark' (seriously, who comes up with those names?!), not just for Harry, but he was searching for her too.

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