Part 2

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Harry's POV;

When Death leaves Harry's body, he gasps a ragged breath before silence reigns in the room. Harry feels a manic laugh bubble out of his throat, and he knows it's inappropriate. He just can't hold it back, and he ignores the disgusted look Riddle gives him.

After a few minutes, he finally calms down enough to speak. ''Well, that just happened...''

Oh, Merlin, he's going insane.

''Yes,'' Riddle answers, his eyes still wide and his complexion as white as snow.

''Are you now convinced how bad of an idea it is to continue the road you were headed?'' Harry can't help but snark.

If looks could kill, he would probably be dead right now. Well, if he could die, he thinks hysterically. He knew since the forest with Voldemort that there was something - wrong - with him, that most people die when hit with a killing curse. But Harry has always been the exception.

Now they know why.

''I think-'' Riddle starts carefully while he glances away, clearly uncomfortable, ''-that we both had too much to drink and we should go to sleep.'' The way he says it, it's clear that that is his final conclusion.

Harry looks at him incredulously. ''You are just going to ignore everything you just learned?''

Riddle scowls. ''We are clearly drunk. This - Death persona -'' He waves his hand towards Harry with a look of disgust. Harry glares back at him. ''-thing probably didn't even happen! How old was that whiskey we have been drinking? Are you trying to poison me?'' Riddle then says with narrowed eyes, and it's almost enough for Harry to burst out laughing, but he's afraid he would soon become a sobbing mess, and nope, he does not want to do that in front of Riddle.

Harry throws his arms in the air in frustration. ''Denial is a river in Egypt!'' He screams, and yes, he knows he sounds hysterical, but give him a break! He was just possessed by DEATH! And proclaimed as his master, fuck his life in capital letters!

''I can't believe you! But fuck if I care. If you are going to continue this devastating path on which you were headed, go ahead, you psychotic bastard. You just had your warning. I'm going to bed.'' He turns to the door before cursing. He has no clue where he needs to go.

''Mipsy!'' Harry calls before blinking when the trembling house elf pops in front of him.

''M-master c-c-c-called?'' She squeaks out. Harry ignores the glare he gets from Riddle and kneels on the floor in front of the elf.

''Yes, Mipsy, could you show me my room? I want to go to sleep. Riddle will want to see his bedroom soon too.'' Harry says with a glare aimed at Riddle. He then turned back to the elf, who was still trembling and was nodding. Harry gave her a hesitant smile.

''Are you okay, Mipsy?''

Big blue eyes turned to him, wide and wet before the elf burst into tears.


''P-p-p-lease, master, d-don't hurt Mipsy!'' She wailed shocking both Harry and Riddle.

Harry looks at Riddle with wide eyes. He is terrible at comforting people! But Riddle seems equally lost and clearly not in the mood to even try to be civil.

So it's up to Harry. ''Uh, I won't, Mipsy. Please stop crying!'' He pleads, but the elf only cries harder. ''And Riddle won't hurt you either. Right, Riddle?'' Harry snaps when the teen in question tries to inch out of the room.

Riddle lets out a sigh. ''No, I won't hurt the elf.'' He replies exasperatedly. He then turns to the elf. ''You are here to take care of us, right? It won't be convenient if you're injured doing so.'' He says in a deadpan tone but with a menacing air behind it.

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