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Those who feel insecurity about their self are welcome to the fictional world  . 

Being scared of what people think about your look, character and way of behavior but your fictional character will never feel insecure to love you, cherish you and will remove your insecurity too.

Welcome to this fictional world.

Fictional boyfriend :- You can escape from reality to fiction but once you enter in my world will you be able to escape little fox

                     AUTHOR POV

Early in the morning,
At 4:30
She got up by the alarm ring. She did her morning routine and went do the house chores
AT 7:00
WAKE UP -she shouted from  the down. But got no response so she went to
the room for waking up

She-SANA i said wake up
Sana -Yeah 5min more na
After listening response she went down only to get taunt by her mom
Her/more - Can't do one work properly. What is this RAKSHITHA
She yelled
Rakshitha- Sorry amma by mistake it happen
Her mom- Is this called by miss HAAN
She again yelled
Rakshitha - I won't repeat it again
Saying this she again started cleaning

Author (introduction)
Rakshitha -The happy and cheerful girl only by appearance but from inside she is introvert, depressed, loves to live alone. Especially she loves to read dark romance and psycho romance books on online.
Study-Doing engineering
Mother- Amrutha (housewife)
Father - Prabhu (works as an general reporter)
Siblings -Sana (younger sister Age 9 year)
Her parents used to love her so much and not even scolded her once but everything change. When her mother got pregnant when she was 11 years
They used to scold her everyday even though it was not her mistake. Her father who never raised his hands was now ready to raise his hands on her. She was a very bright student from very small age so no complaints. She used to get appreciated in every field but still her parents were not satisfied. Days went on she adjusted herself. Now she has only one bff (navaneeta ) with whom she shares her life problems

Rakshitha POV
After getting my sis ready and doing all the house chores. I went to bus stop. Where of course I was waiting for bus. I was wearing a light pink anarkali with white color leggins. I was listening to the music from my headphones. I was so involved in the music that i didn't even notice when my bff or my life was standing beside.

Hello madam ji are you in this world or you are in your own Dreamland with those fictional character. She asked

It's not like that. I casually replied while removing my headphone

Come on let's go. Bus is coming. She said

Bus arrived and we went in

As usual daily routine. I leaned on th window of the bus. Seeing people involved in their own life.

After some time, we reached the college.

will be continued

as its my first book and some chapters are not edited so please co operate with spelling mistakes

Actually I have board exam and preparatory is on the nxt week so
It's my first I hope you liked it

and wait for, suspense parts
See you soon 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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