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Vikram pov

Abhi is packing some important things to go back to India. And rakshu was sitting there on the bed blankly staring at the wall. After meeting her chikkamma( it is used to call mother's younger sister. But here she father's younger brother wife) and chikkappa ( it is used to call chikkamma husband) , crying her heart out.

She became blank totally blank. But a urge of caging her with me was building seeing her going far from me. But i know how to make her stay with me for 24 hours.

Abhi packed the bag and ordered a servant who came and kept the luggage in car. Abhi turned with a smile plaster on his face and said " Mera bacha we will be going back to India in an hour. So if you want to take anything else you can keep. I have packed the luggage but still "

But rakshu didn't replied nor gave any kind of emotion. It was blank. But a urge of torturing this no valid human who always call mine as his.

I sighed the urge of killing someone was increasing. I wanted to remove all the pain which my hurt was feeling seeing her. My  heart felt heavy and I was feeling suffocating.

Abhi went out of the room as his tears where at the urge to burst out. I too moved out of the room.

Upon reaching the study room. I opened the door without knock and smirked seeing the condition of the room. As expected.

The glass where broken like his sleep has broken, his room was messy with papers here and there   , same goes with his life which is messier.

I sighed entered the room and sat on the couch. Abhi saw this and fake coughed.

" If you are here to tell me not to take my sister back to India. Than it's waste of energy, time. So go back because I won't change my decision. I hope you will have important meeting now " Abhi said sarcastically only to get a death glare but it didn't scare as his love for his sister was so deep.
Author pov

" I know how to take her back but this time I will take her back permanently but the point is you can't do anything " Vikram said with confidence

" If you are thinking that you will propose her and she will accept than it's just your imagination. You know what she already gave a promise to aunty and uncle that she will marry whom they will choose. She won't broke it because it costed her life to just talk with them " Abhi said and Vikram face became little sad.

Abhi was shocked to see the expression on his face. Abhi knew he was a emotional less jerk but seeing how his face show expression for his sister shocks to core and even scares to core

"Okay then I should take leave " Vikram said and moved out abhi got a heart attack seeing him taking back but abhi knew Vikram was planning something.

Vikram sat in rakshu room while rakshu was resting on bed, only two days had  for that incident. Vikram closed his eyes feeling  her soul near to his soul.

He now so badly wanted to kill Abhi parents for coming on that day.


Rakshu rested her head on his chest. That's when abhi parents enter the room.

Seeing vikram beside their heart moved a little. They got to knew from abhi what was happening

Seeing them rakshu slightly got up, whereas they both bowed

" Chikkamma " The word rolled out of rakshu tongue easily and the warm droplets fell from her check.

Not even thinking abhi mother hugged her and both cried but not exchanged the words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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