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Vikram pov

after whatever happened .I tried to stop her but she didn't . I know i have to give her time . Yeah she was right , i broke her trust . I should have told her about my true identity , but something from inside me stopped to tell her . And now i'm regretting  it .After she went my assistant came running  and gave me phone

on call

"What happened"I asked

"Sir your rivals are planning to  bomb blast in rajasthan . You have to come now only and meet him . It seems , if you not than he blast bomb"

Now i can't take risk of innocent people life for enemity .

"OKay "

Saying this i hurridly went from their . I sat in my car . My driver was driving the car with maximum speed . I don't even have phone to call my pari . What i have done shiv ji  . I already told my men to keep a eye on her . Because what if my other enemy try to hurt her 

We were on the highway not suddenly . A weird smell came after which my started blurring 


When i got up i saw myself tied to the chair . Than what i saw made my blood boil. He was the same stalker or mysterious man .

i shouted him to untie me and i will show what i can do . But he said why so hurry still i didn't start my game 

That's all i went unconscious


end of his flash back thought

fuck was it real or dream because when i opened my eyes my driver was near my rival house . I asked my driver he said no we didn't stopped and we are driving from past 1 hour 


After sometime i was going back to my mansion after giving him a good lesson . I told them not prook my inner beast but they always do . I was looking like as if i have bathed in a cold blood swimming pool . I removed all my  angry on that motherfuckers . I called my men and asked him about rakshu he said abhi came here he is taking care of it . I sighed relief but a thought hit me . How could abhi came to know my identity . " Collect information about Abhinav and give it to me in five minutes to which my assistant nodded .



I woke up when i felt someone warmness . i got up and saw it was abhi . feeling me getting up . ABhi also got up 

"How are you feeling " he asked 

"Don't talk to me "

"Sorry my princes i didn't do it intentionally . 

"Yeah i know but from now onwards , you should not hide anything from me "

to which he nodded happily . I know their must be some reasons that's why he did like this 

Than we went to college and than to shopping . Pihu came and started begging sorry . It was not her mistake her brother lied to us , not she , we didn't even ask her 

After that to cheer up abhi took me shopping and than went back to mansion , as i told him

Yar he literally took 1 hour to get convinced by me . He was be like , no i will stay with you only and i be like , i want some privacy for somedays and don't worry i will be safe . 


FINALLY AFTER 1 MONTH i didn't even let him contact me anyway i thought to forgive him as early possible but it seems like he don't want it it because i caught him sending his men behind me . That's  it i went directly into mansion and broke somethings and said that if he repeats it again than i won't think twice to leave from here and get vanished somewhere that he can't find me , not at least in this life , than after i didn't sense or saw anyman of his 

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