last day last gift

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Rakshu pov

I got up at morning and did my morning routine and went to the car which will be dropping me today for college.

I asked the maid about abhi. They said he had some work so he went early

I sighed and sat in my car. I know now everyone in college must be thinking I'm a VIP or some billionaire daughter.

I sat in my car.

" Hi " Advik wished. His voice held a cheerful tone

I smiled. I think he sensed I'm mood off

" Hmm i read the Caliginous " He said making me shock.

" How did you read so much in a less time " I asked

" It's I started reading and wanted to stop and read rest tomorrow but curiosity made me read " He said

" Even I too. If I start reading a new book. My mind will be with that book until I finish. I mean mentally I will be in that world "

We both giggled

" You know Nick gave me some more books. I'm waiting to read those books " I said

" Don't worry after I will finish. I will give you too to read the book " He smiled

While chit chatting we reached the college.

The class went as usual me and Nick had lunch together in cafeteria. Even I heard some rumors. That stated

"I'm seducer all the boys fall for me. "

" Even I'm seduced that professor vijay and famous heartthrob Nick "

" I give money to the teachers to give me extra marks "

" I have money and using it to attract boys by giving money or giving them a good blow job "

I didn't mind any of this but if abhi hears this they will die for sure.

My college ended and I came out.

I even asked Nick that he didn't mind how I created a scene at his house. He said he didn't mind.

We both together came where my car will pick up but seeing a Mercedes. We both got confused.

A man was leaning on the car and talking. When he noticed me he cut the call and came towards me.

" Hmm hi. I hope you remember me. " He said

" Sorry I feel I saw you somewhere but I don't remember " I said

" No problem that day vikram introduced you so many people so you won't be remembering me . Fine my name is Satvik rajput " He said

Now I remembered him. I smiled

" Oh now I remembered. Sorry once again " I said

" So now I will be going " Nick said.

" Okay byee " I said. Nick went

" So vikram told me to leave you at his mansion and your two days gift is waiting " He said. He opened the car door. I sat at front. He came and started the car.

" Hmm so what do you work as. " I asked I was getting bored..

" I have my own multinational companies " .

" Than why did you came to pick up me. Like you could have send a car to pick me up right " He chuckled hearing me

He was handsome like hell . If any girl saw me with him. They will kill me. He had sharp jaw line, perfect facial features , gym body, tall, broad chest,hhis tshirt hugging him perfectly etc

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