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After 21 hours of journey they all finally reached the USA airport after checking and all they went to the vikram mansion

After reaching the mansion vikram shared everyone map which was given limited information only

They used the map and went to their alloted rooms

They all freshened up and had dinner  together and went to their room to take sleep

At morning

Everyone got up and got ready to college

At dinning table

" Bro can we go out tomorrow to roam around " Pihu asked

" Yes you can but make sure. You carry guards with you " Vikram said to which she nodded

After breakfast vikram left for work and others left for university

They reached the university and went inside for respective classes

Rakshu pov

As me and abhi were same classes we headed towards our class keeping some things in our lockers

We reached the class. Only to see so many people .Oops sorry many girls surrounded around a person I tried to peek but abhi held my hand and dragged me and made me sit. He sat beside me

Than what happened next let me in shock . The guy who surrounded by many girls came and sat next to me making girls fume in  anger

Hi. I'm Nick ' he said
To which abhi scoffed. He never allowed any boy to flirt with me Or navani.

Hi I'm rakshitha. I said casually paying less attention

Than our lecturer entered the class and started giving her classes

After the classes were over. we met in the gate of university

How was your day? Navani asked excitedly

To which abhi rolled his eyes. And suddenly  someone came from behind and said " Hi I'm Nick " To which I  flinched a little and abhi pulled me within a less of second and glared at him

Abhi and me have heard about him that he was playboy and flirts with everyone .

Pihu amd navani said " Hi "

To which abhi said let's go. We don't have time to waste on stupid people's

Saying this abhi and me left. To which they 3 followed us

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???? Watching from far away while smirking


They alll reach the mansion and went to fresh after sometime they had dinner and went to their room to sleep

Rakshu pov

I went inside my room  to sleep but when I opened the door. A white color gas came to which I started loosing consciousness. But I saw someone coming from the gas. I can bet he was wearing a hoodie and mask.

I fell on the ground

At the morning

I got up and saw myself sleeping on the bed. And suddenly the thing which happened in the night splash

And I looked around to find nothing and their was  no marks or  pain on my body

I got up and got fresh

Author pov

After college they all went to shopping

They shopped, enjoyed and ate the dinner outside and came

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