2nd day 2 nd gift

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Author pov

At cafeteria

Like always to tease rakshu was sitting in between hira and navanee

" Can't you stop coming in between us " Hira said to rakshu

" Why she is my  bff  if I want to sit with my bff I will. Do you have any problem " Rakshu said in a teasing way

" Yes you can. But you can't sit that side right " Hira said

" In our school days. You used to behave like as if she is a ghost and don't even let her to sit beside. So now what's your problem " Rakshu said

" Enough now she is my girlfriend. So yes probably now I can't stay away from her " Hira said

" What will happen if she is your girlfriend. Best friend has more rights than boy freind Or a husband will have " Navanee said while sleeping rakshu shoulder.

" Yeah you girl get out from here or else see what will i do " Hira said

" What you will do " Rakshu asked while raising her eyebrow

" Oh " Hira said

" Stop it guys " Abhi and pihu said together at a time

The three see them like as if they are a different creature and they smile Awarkardly.

" So tonight let's enjoy in habhihabi house " Rakshu said

" Good idea " All the 4 said at same time

" I will inform to brother that we will be staying in abhi house " Pihu said. To which all of them nodded their heads

" Yeah wait. Why don't rakshu inform to vikram about this " Hira said with a teasing smile

Rakshu pov

" No I won't. If you want you tell him why are you dragging me " I said

"Oh it seems like you are scared of your boyfriend "  Hira said with a teasing one.

" Why I will be scared of him. No I'm not scared of him" I stated

" Than why can't you inform him about this na " Hira said

Now I feel like I did a big mistake by telling them that me and vikram are in relationship. I said it 2 weeks before and they are teasing me like hell. I love when they tease me by his name. But I act like I don't like. They don't about my first kiss and all. Only abhi knows what and all happened. But he also don't know about what happened on Saturday and Sunday. If he got to know than I'm dead. I said to navnee also same. She knows everything means everything.

After college left we all went abhi house.

We all sat on the couch. A maid brought all of us water.

" So what to do " Hira asked

" Fuck your gf. And we all will watch it
As watching on chrome is boring. And seeing live is most best way. " I said

Navanee chocked on her water

" I can but if navanee doesn't agree you guys will not get chance " Hira said.

And she gave him death glare. Making him gulp his own saliva.

" I wa... Was just.. Jo.. Joking guys " Hira said while shuttering. As he know that next if he say something. Than directly flying sleepers he will receive that to on his face.

" Navanee leave na. Don't do like this see paapa he is such a young man. If you be seeing him like this he will get heart attack and die at a young age. " I stated

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