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The air around her thickens but she can only feel .As she can't see it .Same goes with her real life .Though she can't see anything going wrong or in future anything going bad .But she can sense everything around her is fake and something bad will happen .

But her mind stops her from understanding her own heart.

HER HEART SAYS - That everything around her is filled with fake identify people and don't trust them .

HER MIND SAYS - Everything is true as you exist in this world . No , everyone around her true and they are telling you truth

But somewhere in the corner of her mind shouted even her heart may be also saying truth .But this time she doesn't want to lead her heart . As she trusted before and

IT BROKE HER EVERY WAY IT WAS POSSIBLE . She thought will she be able to see reality or around her is only true . Her mind was being fucked up . More she thought . More it gave pain in her ass . She stopped thinking . Everything around was her a mystery but will she be able to find or it will take her life before it .

Nothing can be done as she was being absored each and every moment . Like always someone had a pair of eyes on her or did she feel just like that.

No matter what the man in her dreams standing in a dark room and seeing her . Only his pair of black eyes where visible . His lips curved on one side seeing her getting lost into as he also wanted this .

But to him she was just his prey whom he wanted to haunt down and grab her flesh and eat it raw .

He controlled her each and move .He was a manipulator who was just applying his mere tricks to hunt her down

what he wanted to do ? Will SHE be able to survive ? Who was HE ? Who was SHE ? What was her past ? Was anyone other there involved? Do they both know each other? Or she hallucinates?

Only the questions but still there is mystery which is tangled like the mystery hidden inside the earth . no one knows what is true or lie . What to believe and what not to believe .

Same here also goes

Her life was mystery since she was born . Because she caught his eyes when she was born . Only one thing can protect her that is DEATH , HER OWN DEATH

As he controlled everyones death . Even death gets scared to go to person whom he occupies .

We can't estimate a person thinking , imagination or we can't even no whats behind his mind especially a psycho . HE was a made and born psycho . He became psycho for her .

Her whole life will once again scatter like it was done in her past . But this time they will scatter like when a mirror breaks

Mind it when a mirror breaks it can't be moulded into it's original shape.

He wanted to own her but she wasn't letting him to do so

How much she tried to run away from him that much close she went towards him

But in the end she will burn and she have to let him rule her

But little did she know everyone around her was a true lie and they are not transparent as water as she thought

Her mistake she believed them , so now she have to pay for it

Soon his ocean eyes will swallow her when she will look into his capitative eyes.

What he wanted from her only he knew . What was happening with her was always asked his permission to happen in her life .

She was like a pure child who believed what her mother says and he used it .

The Rack: Game Of Her NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now