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I woke up in the morning only to feel a weight on me . I lightly opened my eyes and adjust to the light . I saw that vikram was sleeping on me , while half of is body on  my body and half  body on the bed . Feeling my moments he woke up , and over  my body and snuggled his face in my neck 

''How your feeling pari ''he asked . "yeah i'm feeling okay and better "

suddenly yesterday event crossed my head ,And a curiosity rise in my mind ,that how can he kill someone in such a way

"can i ask you something "

"Go ahead ' he said while still snuggling in my neck and giving wet kisses

"How can you kill someone in a such way .Like you when you were doing it it felt like you are work his that only " 

When i completed my words .he bite my soft spot and .I couldn't control and i moaned 

"Little mouse . I will tell you when time is ripe . Won't you go for college today " he said in his deep husky morning voice sending chills through my spinal cord . he lift his head and kissed on crown of my head 

"Go and get ready "  saying this he came along with me and dropped to my room ,and i feel like  this house is like a maze once if you enter you can't go out without his guidance

he left me and went to his room to get ready for his office . i got ready and went to dinning area already everyone where having their breakfast . I sat next to abhi 

"Are you okay princess . If you are not feeling well than don't come to college today "abhi said with concern in his voice 

"No i'm feeling well  . No need to worry , i will attend my today classes , as already i have skipped my yesterday classes "

he nodded his head while understanding me .Than all of us had breakfast and went to college


In college abhi was burning in angry 

today sitting arrangement was done .And my badluck i'm sitting in between abhi and nick 

As nick was a  playboy  and was flirting with me time to time and touching which made in uncomfortable and abhi burn in pure anger 

He also has a bad anger issue in my previous college when someone flirted with navani . he tortured him to a core .That the boy itself committed sucide . And i'm scared what he will do to nick 

like this is not india that his father will control it with his politician support . As his father is famous criminal lawyer and didn't lost in one case till today . His father famous and yeah he too became a mafia king of mumbai and  he is  even studying criminal lawyer . He is just studying engineering for me . As i joined engineering . 

And suddenly principal of college entered and ask us sometime , as new teacher is coming to teach us 

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