chapter 3 :meeting

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Vikram's pov
Yes I gave flying kiss to my wife it means to my mansion. Yaar bcz I have only designed the exterior and interior of thee mansion and I have big craze of mansion.

I sat in my flight and opened my computer did some work along with red vine


Rakshu wake up in the morning did her daily routine. Than went to her friends house to get ready for party

On the other hand
Vikram landed in the airport and came towards his car and straightly went to his penthouse

He got ready and went for his meeting


Vikram pov
The meeting went smoothly bcz I am freaking a psychopathic mafia king . But when we were going back to airport. My dumb car gave in middle so my assistant was arranging an car for me on the call. But something caught my eyes that I can't even remove my eyes from and my subconscious mind said "PARI"


At 5 me and navani left together to where the venue was. It was little far away

My dress

Navani dress

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Navani dress

It required 30min to reach there

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It required 30min to reach there

And we reached there at 5:30
Outside the venue abhi and hira was already waiting

We went towards them but abhi was on call so we 3 were waiting for him

Suddenly something caught my eyes. A man wearing suit was standing there  staring me without blinking eyes

I signed and showed that man to navani

She exclaimed in shock and say "DOESN'T HE LOOK LIKE YOUR FICTIONAL MAN".

"Yes but why are you being  this much excited" I said 😑

"See he is looking at you only like those fictional character" She said

"But those will never happen in our real world . They only happen in fictional world "I exclaimed being sad because I want those things happen in my real life too and I know it will never happen because I'm not that beautiful

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