Teddy bear

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Rakshu pov

At morning I woke up .
But today again after a long time I was feeling head ache and i got up from my bed and went to washroom .After getting freshen up i decided to go to roam around USA as from the day when i came i couldn't roam around .

So getting ready i went down stairs . Abhi was already standing with one hand in his pocket and other one was holding in another hand near his ear. by seeing him i can tell he was talking something important.

So no disturbing rakshu come let's go and we will leave a message in whatsup yeah it is a good idea come let's go .

I came out of the mansion and walked towards bus stop . I stood in the bus stop waiting for bus

suddenly a young men with black leather hoodie and a mask came infront of me .He knealed down on his one leg and gave me a small bouquet of rose . I smile for this .

He didn't speak anything from back he removed the violin and started playing ''CHAND SIFARISH "

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He didn't speak anything from back he removed the violin and started playing ''CHAND SIFARISH ".And a huge smile occured on my face . He was muscular and taller than me.

After playing he went from here nor he spoke a word . And my bus also arrived so i shrugged my thoughts and went inside the bus .

Actually i don't know where this bus will lead . I believe in destiny and if i get lost one call to abhi and he will find me within a blink

I wore headphones and started to listening song . After 30 minutes of travel i got off the bus and started roaming around i saw a library .. Wait a book store and it had a coffee shop attached to it.

I directly went to coffee shop as i had brought my book with me . I ordered a normal cappuccino and took my book ad started reading

'' HAUNTING ADELINE '' my most favourite book . I started reading . Actually this is 2nd time i.m reading this book . Call me crazy or whatever but i fell for zade .

I was reading and my order came . Now i was reading and having coffee while listening to my songs from Bluetooth

This is called janath yaar ,A real janath

While reading i remembered how vikram called me Little mouse . Wait did he read the book which i recommended a small smile formed on my thinking about it .

But he will be so busy than how could he . Did he liked the book ? oh no what he will be thinking of me now , after reading this book ? . Oh god why did i tell him about this ..

Now i'm embarised , Shrugging of my thoughts i drank my coffee and went out of coffee shop , after paying the bill. I was feeling a pair of eyes on me but i shrugged and started moving around .

Their was a big park where childrens were playing . I went and sat on the grass .Seeing the happy childrens .

A small boy maybe of 3-4 years came running towards me . He came and straightly sat on my lap. I smiled and asked

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