Chapter :5 night stay

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Rakshu's pov
The muscular guy wearing a hoodie with mask proposed me. But the word he said  sacred me. BUTTERFLY my mind was stuck at this word. I was sweating my hands were shaking. I want to refuse and run away but my voice was not coming

Before I could do anything he slid the ring in my hand and hold my neck and was about to kiss me. But pihu bf came and pushed him on ground. The guy got up and said


Saying this he went away

I was feeling very hard to breath my lungs were feeling heavy and I was in the air. Wait pihu bf carried me. He took me to the medical room of our college.

The doctor checked and said that I had a panic attack. Now I am fine and no need to worry

Abhi came and asked how are you

I'm fine I said in my weaker voice

Didn't I said it was not a dream or nightmare. He yelled

Navani came and said abhi and me will go attend class. with you hira and pihu will stay. I nodded

And they left room

Pihu bf came and asked are you feeling good or let's go to hospital

I said " I'm fine "

Before he could say anything pihu glared at him and pushed him out of room and said don't you have work go to work

He went

Pihu came and said " You come to my house anyhow we planned for night stay and my house will be safest place "

Hira also agreed and said " Better you take her with you we all 3 will come to your house after going to our home and bring our clothes "
And she nodded

After college already they 3 left to home because they have to come from their home. So it would take time

When a Mercedes car came she said let's go and we went

When a Mercedes car came she said let's go and we went

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On the other hand

Vikram pov

Like yesterday I came to drop my sister for college but what I saw made my blood boil. I came out of my car and started going towards them. I could see how scared my pari is. The guy got up and slid the ring in her shaking hand. And was about to kiss her and I pulled him harshly that he landed on the land
What he said was like putting fuel to  my anger. He went from their after saying it. I can see her loosing her balance. So I carried her and went to medical room. The doctor said that she just had a panic attack. Than her friends came and whoever the guy is what he said made me confused. I wanted to ask her what he meant but my sister throw me out and I can't even protest.

I went outside and called my assistant and said him to that motherfucker and   bring him to the basement

I went to my office but my mind was still stuck on her.

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