Chapter 3 page 13 bullets and tapes 

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I watched as Maya and Krieg ran over
Maya looked happy to see us why'll Krieg looked disappointed at all the dead bodies

(I guess he wanted some action)

Maya looked over at me and said
"Well, do you like your new partner? It looks like he's been doing a great job of keeping you safe."

| ... | /You couldn't wait/I'm on a mission, ya know/they could have died./

"Well, they seem to be doing fine. How did you get here anyway?"

Maya asked me I pointed at the pipe that had fallen down with me, then up at the pipes and rafters.

"Ah, you snuck in nice. Now that you two are together, let's get back to Sanctuary."

Maya and Krieg turned to leave.

I followed behind them, and Zer0 reluctantly followed as well.

We made it back to the vehicle, and everyone got in Krieg on top Maya was at the wheel, Zer0 was at the driver's side, and I was in the middle.

Once we were all in, I grabbed my notepad and put it in my hip bag.

Some time later, we made it back Maya spoke
"We should probably get you a weapon now."

Zer0 quickly turned his head to Maya, as if he were asking her to repeat herself.

She noticed and explained
"When Krieg and I found them, they had a knife, but it ended up in a bullymuong's head long story."

Zer0 nodded and kept walking with Maya, and I
Krieg stayed behind again.

We stopped, and Maya said, "Well, we're here."
I looked up to see a sign that read, "GUNS"
We walked down a set of stairs, and we were greeted.

"Hello, dear customer- Oh, vault hunters! even better, and who's this?"

I was expecting Maya to introduce me as I got ready to get my notepad out but to my surprise, Zer0 spoke up

/They're my teammate/I have missions to do/and they need weapons./

"Ahh, I see. Well, lucky for you, I have just what you need." He walked away and waved us over.
"Come come!"

We walked back to a shooting range. "Well, what kind of gun are you looking for!"

Marceus started going through lists of weapons; most of them I never knew existed in Borderlands, much less did I remember any of them, and to be honest I didn't really want one.

It was quite overwhelming and Marceus must have noticed I was blanking out because he asked
"Do you even know how to shoot a gun?"

I shook my head no
(ok, so that was a bit of a fib I went to a shooting range when I was a preteen, and since then, my sibling taught me just about everything I needed to know about a glock, but that was it.

I couldn't even remember what kind it was, so playing ignorance might be for the best after all; this was a whole nether universe for all I knew the knockback from some of these weapons might just have me flying.)

"AAH I see so guns for beginners!"

He went to the back, probably to get a gun
While he was gone, I looked at Maya and Zer0.

He was looking at Maya as if he were asking her why I was his new teammate
I couldn't blame him...

Sadly, Marceus came back, and to my dismay, he had a lot of guns.

Around 78 weapons and 79 eh accidents later, everyone looked confused, and rightfully so; even I was confused.

Marceus was about to hand me yet another weapon when Zer0 stepped in front of him and handed me one of his weapons.

A spark of excitement ran through me.
He was hanging me a glock, and it looked exactly like the one I was taught how to use.

I took it, and before Zer0 could help me, I turned to the paper target, relaxed my shoulders, and took aim 1 2 3 and bang!

It was not the best shot, but it was nothing to snare at after the last 78 tries.

Everyone stared for a while, and then Marceus piped up,
"Ah, well, that's an older model. Can I interest you in a newer-"

"NO" Maya said, pushing us up the stairs and out.

"That took way too freaking long!"

Zer0 and I nodded our heads in agreement.
"Anyway, Zer0 and I have some stuff we need to take care of at HQ, so why don't you wonder around Sanctuary, alright?"

I looked up to give an answer, but they were already off. *sigh*

(I guess I'm alone again) I did as Maya suggested and wondered around.

As I did so, I came across a tape out of curiosity, I listened to it

I was expecting to hear Roland's voice going on about sanctuary or the resistance, but instead I heard a woman's voice going on about Handsome Jack.

She was getting ready to talk about how she was tortured, but she got sidetracked by ceiling chairs?

(What's a ceiling chair? am I an idiot or something?)

I looked around for more of these tapes, and sure enough, I found more that gave a bit more detail.

From four wooden legs to the fact that you could sit on them, these were definitely chairs.
I was so confused.

I noticed I had walked a couplet circle around Sanctuary and was back at HQ.

I decided I should probably give these tapes to Lilith or Roland so I walked in to the laundromat and was about to head upstairs when a lady jumped me and snatched the tapes out of my hands.

(What the!?)

"These are mine! Wait, I did not ask you to find them!? Who are you? Are you a spy!! Wait, I saw you come in early with that blue hair siren!"

She was too close for comfort and was also starting to freak me out.

I felt my back press against the wall and she was about to take another step forward when suddenly, to my relief, Zer0 came between us and I heard Maya call out,

"Tannis, that's enough." I felt Zer0 put his arm around me and walked me out as Maya talked to Tannis.

(So that was the crazy lady's name, eeh)

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