Chapter 3 page 15 mad as a hatter

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Once we got back to Sanctuary, Zer0 helped me to Moxxxi's. I took a seat by the bar, and he went back to get the Bullymuong fur.

I was alone once more with my own thoughts

(you really are useless, aren't you?)
that little voice nagged

(in my defense, he's the one keeping me from walking too much and how was I supposed to know that thing was right behind me?)
It was a fair arguments right..?

(you don't deserve anything from this m-)

"Hello~ Your Zer0's new friend right?"

Coming back to reality, I looked up suddenly to see a woman with quite the eh... personality leaning uncomfortably close to me from the other side of the bar.

I assumed this was Moxxi. I tilted my head to her question; I didn't quite hear it at first

"aw aren't you a cute little thing~ are you Zer0's new friend?" I nodded my head yes

"Isn't that cute Are you a relative or maybe his partner~?" I got my notepad out and wrote down my response.

"I was assigned to be his teammate."

"Oh isn't he lucky~ but why didn't he sit down with you?"

"He went back to get some stuff we got for Hammerlock on our last mission.
I injured my lag.
We're being careful with it."

I saw Zer0 out of the corner of my eye talking to Hammerlock. He gave Zer0 some money.

Zer0 nodded his head and walked over, taking a seat next to me, and handed me half of what Hammerlock gave him. It wasn't much, but I gave some of it back and kept $20 so I could get some food later.

I wrote
"I didn't do much, but get in the way you did the majority of it"

| :) | /in shadow's embrace/success shines, well done and true/you are deserving/

There was something about what he said that made my heart float... but at the same time I was stubborn and hell bent on not taking the money

He tried to hand me the money again, but I refused to take it.

"Ooh Zer0~ your such a poet, you know-"

| :/ | /No/

(well, there goes that moment...)

"aw well, do you or your little partner~
want anything?"

Zer0 looked over at me, and I nodded and wrote down, "Some water if that's okay?"

"Hmm~ cute and simple... that's boring"
Moxxi said as she left

Zer0 put his head in his palms
We sat there in awkward silence for a few seconds before he spoke.

| ? | /Sanctuary is small/Has anyone shown you around?/I could guide you/

It was a sweet affair I wrote
"I walked around, yes, but I still don't know what all is here. I would appreciate it if you showed me."

| :) |

Moxxi came back soon after
"here you go sugar." She set a glass of water down in front of me.

"It seems no one around here ever goes for plane water anymore, so this one's on the house, but don't tell anyone, ok~."

Confused by that last statement, I grabbed my water container and quickly poured the liquid from the glass in.

Looking back up, Moxxi seemed unamused.
"So you won't be showing me what's under that pretty little helmet of yours?"

I shook my head no
taking my notepad as I carefully hopped off the bar stool

I turned to leave with Zer0 when suddenly, I felt a hand grab my wrist. My heart skipped a beat as I jumped back, adrenaline kicking through my system.
I put my hand on my chest to try and study my breathing and calm down.

I looked up at Moxxi who was leaning over the bar with a smug look on her face.

"Oh dear~ did I scare you? Hmm, I didn't take you for the shy type~ And oh my, your ears glow look at them; they're black~"

(Wait, there were lights in the ears of my helmet, but they didn't have a battery pack, and why is she so freaking close?!)

My brain and body were currently in a feud. My body wanted to backhand her and run out, but my brain didn't want to cause any more of a scene than there already was.

"I wonder what color they'll change to if I just~"

Her index finger was underneath the chin of my helmet, and her face was uncomfortable close staring me down as if she could see right through the visor.

It felt as if there was something heavy on my lungs preventing me from breathing properly, and my vision started to blur after that well I don't really remember what happened; all I remember was Zer0 getting between us and saying something
I didn't hear what he had said though.

When my eyesight went back to normal, I was still breathing heavily, but I was now sitting on a bench.
I looked up to see Zer0 looking down at me.

| ! | /Vision, are you alright!?/ I nodded my head.
After a few seconds, he spoke

| :( | /Vision, I'm deeply sorry/for another's wrongful actions/let my warmth console/

He had his arm outstretched as if he were offering me an awkward hug? I stared at him for a moment, surprised he was trying to comfort me...
I looked away and inched closer to him.

I felt his arm gently rap around me. It was nice I'll admit I've only ever experienced hugs from my mother or sometimes sibling.

A few seconds had passed by, not wanting to get used to this or over stay my welcome I got up,
out of the corner of my eye, I saw two emotes pop up on his visor.

| ? | | :( | I turned around to see him standing as well.

/Would you still like me to show you around?/

I nodded my head.

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