Chapter 4 page 21 a big catch

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I was in the passenger side of yet another vehicle Maya was driving, and Krieg was on top of the vehicle again.

When I left my apartment to meet up with Maya, she had me follow her out of Sanctuary and told me what was going to happen on the way.

She had accepted a mission from Hammerlock. What was that mission? I asked well Maya didn't give me much to go off of, just that we were going to kill something and that something was big.. and it had tentacles...

needless to say, I was not excited about this. As we got closer to our destination, Maya spoke.

"Krieg and I will fight Slappy-"

(Ah, yes, did I mention this big tentacle monster is named Slappy? no ok)

"-Slappy is apparently at the bottom of what might as well be a mostly dried-up lake. We'll go down, but I want you to stay up top where this thing can't get to you."

Maya stopped the vehicle suddenly and got out along with Krieg. I followed quickly. Maya continued

"We don't need Jack's louder's noticing us. While you're up here, I want you to practice using your powers got it."

I nodded my head, yes, as we made it to a steep slope.

As Maya put it, "what might as well be a mostly dried-up lake" was uncomfortable close to one of Jack's factory things? I couldn't remember what went on over there, and I was more than okay with that.

Krieg made a running start to the edge of the slope, screaming, Well, something? As he jumped down, Maya stepped over to the edge, about to slide down.

"And hey, if your powers backfire, just shoot the damn thing."

And with that, she slid down. I ran over to a decent vantage point and watched as Maya and Krieg walked to a relatively big hook.

Once they got close enough to it, Maya placed something on it. I couldn't make out what it was before the ground started shaking as something big was making its way up to the surface.

I tried my best to keep my footing as the earth shook. I decided now was a better time than never to try and make something happen.

I felt little sparks moving through my body. I needed something stable to stand on. I did not want to fall down there with them.

I looked up just in time to see a giant worm-like octopus creature shoot up out of the ground, looming over Maya and Krieg. I ended up falling to my hands and knees.

I wiped my head back up to see Krieg going ballistic, lashing out at the creature dodging its attacks.

Maya was further away; she had thrown a ball of her siren power towards the creature, acting like a magnet, tangling and tearing the creature's tentacles. Maya was also shooting at the creature.

I stared. What was I supposed to do? I wasn't able to create a simple platform, much less a weapon!

A loud thud caught my attention. Krieg had been hit by one of the creature's tentacles causing him to go flying, landing hard against a nearby rock. Maya ran over to him, dodging tentacles and other projectiles.

There was no way she could dodge those attacks for much longer. I had to help.

At the moment, I couldn't make a weapon, but I already had two. I pulled my gun out and shot at the creature. I didn't know if what I was doing was helping much as the creature was blocking my view of them now and looking my way instead, but hey, at least I got its attention.

I kept shooting at the creature. The last shot went right through one of its eyes, causing it to stagger back.

I tried to shoot at it again, but to no avail. My weapon was empty. I quickly reached for more ammo in my bag, but to my dismay, I was completely out of ammo. That wasn't good.

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