Chapter 4 page 17 déjà vu

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I had been standing at the bus stop for far too long.

(What time is it? If I'm not home soon...)

My mother rarely ever got upset with me, so the sooner I got home, the better I really didn't want to stress her out.

I started walking down to the house. It was surprisingly dark out.

The streetlights illuminated only a small amount of the sidewalk, casting eerie silhouettes of the trees and fence lines.

I felt weird, like someone was watching me as I walked. I was glancing at every house I passed, hoping to see a light indicating that someone was awake anyone but to my dismay, every house I'd passed was dark.

(How late was it?)

Suddenly I heard a branch snap behind me on the other side of a fence I was walking past. I decided to go across the street to get away from whatever made that noise.

As soon as I took my first step towards the road, more branches snapped as something bolted away from me right towards my house.

My heart skipped a beat as I stared down the way it went

It was terrifyingly fast; all I could make out was a dark silhouette of someone.

What do I do now? By now, my mom was probably panicking because she no idea where I was, and now there was something that was probably trying to stalk me and do the god's know what to me.

I stood there for what felt like hours before I finally decided to continue walking to the other side of the road down to my home, my heart skipping beats all the way down.

By the time I finally made it to my home, a strong mist started rolling in.

All the lights in the house were off, which meant she was probably asleep.

I decided to go in through the back since the front door would probably wake her up.

I headed up the driveway feeling a strange sense of déjà vu all the while.

I noticed the car wasn't there a sinking feeling started in my chest as I realized she was probably looking for me.

I continued until I got to the backyard, and I felt eyes on me again.

I was about to walk past the greenhouse when I noticed all the plants were starting to wilt?
I stared in shock this was not normal.

For some reason, I started to fear the worst
(was my mother hurt? Did something bad happen to her?!)

At that point, my heartbeat was racing. I felt like I was going to hyperventilate as I ran the rest of the way to the back door.

Plants don't just up and wilt like that especially my mother's plants and at this point I could tell something wasn't right I had to get inside.

I started to fumble with the keys, trying to get the door open, but no matter what I did, it just wouldn't open.

(What's going on!?)

I heard a branch snap in the tree line by the house. I looked over to see a tall, dark, static figure staring at me its eyes looked like little white pen points.

It started sprinting right up to me. I couldn't move; all I could do was stare as my heartbeat began pounding out of my chest.

(no no no No NO)


I cried, jolting up and frantically looking around.
I was still in the fort I had made.

(Whatever that dream was, it was just that.)

(a dream. )


As I settled back to reality I noticed there were strange burns covering every wall?

"What happened here?" I looked down to see Mystic, making some angry cat noises, looking around trying to find whatever I was afraid of
Not only was she a good friend she was also a good guard cat.

I gave her some back scratches, and I got us some food before putting my helmet and gloves back on and gathering my things to head to HQ.

Mystic climbed up onto my shoulder as we walked, and I started wondering what was going on with my dreams.

This was the second time I dreamt of that figure
The dreams almost felt like memories of what had happened, but it didn't happen like that, right?

I was the only one on the bus, and when I left, I certainly wasn't being followed, and no one was staring at me as I went into my home.

I made it to HQ.
I walked in, almost forgetting about the crazy lady till she ran up to me again, but this time I had Mystic with me.

She stood up still on my shoulder and swiped and hissed at her, showing some pretty impressive canines. Tannis stumbled back, and I made my way up to the main room/sleeping area? where I saw Lilith and Roland.

Lilith waved me over and said,
"Hey Vision, where did you go last night? Zer0 wanted to talk to you."

I set my backpack down next to one of the couches, and Mystic jumped off my shoulder to go great Lilith. She picked Mystic up, and I grabbed my notepad and started to write down my response.

"I had to find a place to sleep. What did he want to talk about?"

Lilith answered
"Don't know I'm sure he'll stop by and talk to you.  Where did you sleep anyway?"

Before I could answer, I heard soft footsteps behind me I turned around to see Zer0 looking down at me.

I waved hello to him | :) | /Hello Vision/ he said.
He seemed happy to see me. There was something about it that made me happy as well wasn't that weird.

Zer0 stood by my side as Lilith spoke

"We just sent Maya out to deliver the note to Brick. We're trying to get back in contact with Mordechai. When we do, I'll notify you over the echo; till then, take care of any missions you have."

Zer0 nodded, and we left.

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