Chapter 3 page 14 snowy, deadly, and ugly

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After that ordeal, I agreed to never go in the laundry-mat without someone else.

Once we left Sanctuary, Maya and Krieg went on their own separate ways, and as for Zer0 and me, we were on the hunt

At least that's what the eccentric-looking guy at Moxxxi's said, "Sir Hammerlock," had reassured me that this would be like a walk in a park full of Skaggs?

That last part did not fill me with hope.

As the vehicle came to a stop, we got out. Zer0 stood in front of me, waiting for me to take my new weapon out | :) | seeming happy with my weapon, he turned and guided me to a small, snowy hillside.

Once we got to the edge, he put his arm out and moshed to get down I did so and looked over the edge with him.

There were five Bullymuong, three small ones, and two big ones.
There was something wrong with one of the bigger Bullymuongs face, but I couldn't figure out what?

I looked back over at the smaller Bullymuongs and saw Zer0 making quick work of them

(when did he even get down there? wasn't he right next to me?)

He was jumping from one spot to the next with great ease at one point, while he was airborne, he managed to get a headshot on one of them which was pretty impressive.

He jumped onto the back of one and got his sword out I decided to do a quick count of all the bodies while Zer0 took care of that one.

I counted three on the ground, soon to be four.

(Wait, wasn't there one more?)

I heard a thud as the fourth Bullymuong went down, but that still did not tell me where the fifth one was.

My question was soon answered when suddenly something grabbed me by my ankle, causing my grip to tighten on my weapon accidentally letting off a shot.

Then I was yanked up a good few feet into the air till I was face to face with the fifth Bullymuong, and on closer inspection, I now knew what was wrong with its face.

There was a eh... rather big kitchen knife lodged in the side of its head, and it did not look to happy by that; in fact, it looked really pissed off.

The Bullymuong growled at me then wiped me back down to the ground the snow cousin my fall but not by much.

I looked up just in time to see the Bullymuong raise its fists above its head.

I needed to do something, and fast I was still holding on to my weapon so I guess now was the time to use it.

I relaxed my soldiers, brought my arm up, and aimed right for its head *BANG*

I turned, not knowing if I actually hit it, and tried to scramble back up to my feet, but as I put my weight down on my left foot, it felt as though there was nothing but a stump.

I ended up falling back down, I looked and sure enough my foot was still there

(ssshi—now's not the time to have a sprained ankle or worse)

A giant shadow started to form around me. I covered my head and closed my eyes. I couldn't move out of the way; all I could do was lay there.

(Where was Zer0? No way all of this was just going on and he didn't notice, right!?)

Suddenly, someone scooped me up before everything around me shook as something heavy hit the ground.

For a moment, I was afraid to open my eyes until something gently tapped the back of my helmet
I opened my eyes to see Zer0, he was holding me.

| ! | /A impressive display/but you seem to be injured/are you alright?/

I nodded my head and immediately tried to get down. I wasn't big on cuddles or being touched in general, although it did seem like he was making an effort to be as gentle as he could, but that could have been because he thought I was hurt.

Zer0 set me down carefully
As soon as both my feet were on the ground, I felt a stabbing pain starting at my left ankle and shooting up to my knee.
My leg gave out, but my fall was stopped by an arm around my middle.

Zer0 piked me up once again and carried me back to the vehicle.

The adrenaline had died down, and I was now acutely aware of every bruise on my body this was not fun.

Zer0 set me down gently in front of the vehicle and knelt down beside me to examine my leg
He carefully pulled my boot off and felt around my leg and ankle

(huh, since when was he a doctor?... Wait, never mind, he's an assassin; he should probably know the difference between a sprain and a fracture.)

Either way, I took my notepad out and started writing down the type of pain and where it was coming from to try and help.

After a minute, he helped me get into the vehicle, but before he got in, he turned around, looking for something?

He walked away from the vehicle, out of sight.
(Hm, we already gathered all of the fur from the Bullymuong what else did we need?)

Soon enough, he was back. Once he was in the vehicle, he spoke as he leaned over, handing me something and guiding my hand down to my ankle.

| :( | /This will help/

It took me a second to figure out what he had given me. It was a small block of ice, wrapped in Bullymuong fur?

He had made a makeshift cold compress for me
It surprised me how kind he was being.

I grabbed my notepad and wrote down
"thank you." He nodded his head and sat back down in his seat.

| ? | /Vision correct?/ I nodded my head, yes |...|
a couple seconds past, then he spoke again.

/Whispers of a name/a name, both lovely and veiled/mysteries untold/

My face went red and I was suddenly very happy to be wearing my helmet.

He started the vehicle up, and we were off.

While we were on the road, he handed something over to me.

/I believe this belongs to you./

I looked down to see a- ...bloody kitchen knife (yep, that's mine).

I gave him a thumbs up

| ;) |

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