Prologue: Part 1

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It was a rainy night, cars flew around, but it was silent. Everything was silent. All except the rain. The rain shot down like bullets piercing the ground. The ground was soaked from the rain. The pavement looked slick and dangerous. The trees were covered in raindrops like they were covered in jewelry.

A figure walked through the rain, he had a a dark teal loose coat, underneath was a brown suit, black boots, and black gloves.

As the figure continued to walk to stood in front of a large building, "So this is it huh? Hopes Peak, the breeding ground of ultimates." He said

The figure stared at the large, white building before him. It was massive and it towered above him. Even in the darkness, he could see the glint of the windows, he felt the presence of the school looming over him. It almost felt as if the school was calling out to the figure, beckoning him inside. "I still can't believe I'm doing this, this...seems off. I should just go" the figure said

The figure turned around and was about to walk, until he shook his head "No. I came this far, I'm not turning back without what I came here for"

The figure turned back to face the building. The figure took in a deep breath and took a step forward. The rain dripped down his face and his dark, teal hair hung down to his shoulders. He was determined to step foot inside the school. But as the figure opened the doors of hopes peak, he was suddenly struck down. And he had fallen unconscious, and the perpetrator had dragged his unconscious body into hopes peak.

The figure lay unconscious, unconscious but not dead. He slowly began to awaken and he opened his eyes, everything around him was darkness.? Had he been killed? Was he in the afterlife?

Those thoughts had immediately ended as he realized something, he wasn't blinded. His face was just in something, it was weird. Somewhat lumpy, large, and soft.

The figure had thought to himself "What was this? Slime? Bean Bags? Marshmallow? Pillows?"

The figure's heart began to race. His mind raced as he thought the unthinkable. His breath caught in his throat as he suddenly realized what it was...BREASTS!

The figures had jumped back a bit, and he saw a woman sitting down. She had Blonde hair in twintails, white lab coat with a boob window that revealed a turquoise shirt, black and white pants, and purple heals.

"Oh hey, you finally woke up" she said

The figure looked at her. She was oddly hot? But that wasn't important right now. Right now, he had a much more important question.

"Wh...Where am I?"

The woman just shrugged "I don't know, we're in the same boat. I came to hopes peak, and ended up here. Now my question, who are you?"

"I'm...U-Uh...I a-Am..."

The figure looked away from the woman. "Can I really tell her? I know that I wasn't supposed to get attached, screw it." he thought

The figure stood up "I'm Machi- I mean Senkai-Ikkaku, but most people call me Ikkaku. I'm the ultimate huntsman"

She chuckled, "Ikkaku? That's a cute name." She smiled a bit.

"Shame I'm probably your teacher" she said.

"Teacher?" Ikkaku said

The woman jumped up and did a cute twirl "I'm Utsukushi Kawae, the ultimate scientist. I'm also a newly hired teacher at hopes peak. I came today for my first shift, but I just woke up here"

"'re my teacher?" he said, surprised. "Well uh Miss Utsukushi, do you know where anything is?" said Ikkaku

"Yeah" Utsukushi said as she turned around. She then pointed to a hallway, "The gym should be at the end." She said

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