FOUR: Issues

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One... Two... Three...

Once you hit three, you sent three loud knocks onto the wooden door in front of you. You patiently waited, then headed inside once you got no response.

You held your breath as you quietly shut the door, listening for any weird noises. When you still heard silence, you casually walked into the room.

You were half expecting Jungkook to be bodying another woman right on your bed, but when you walked in to see a hot mess express over on his side of the room, your jaw dropped. There was fabric flung everywhere, and pins were spread around the floor like a death trap.

A lone mannequin sat near his bed with four different fabrics draped over the shoulder. Sitting beneath it was some sewing materials.

It amused you to see that all of the mess was kept on his side of the room.

Part of you wanted to stay and find out what the reason for the mess was, but the other part of you wanted food. You chose the latter half.


"Here you go, enjoy!"

You sent a smile to the cashier as she handed you your food. This time, you ordered spicy rice cakes with a sprite.

Until you went out to go shopping for more food, you were stuck living off of cafeteria food. This didn't bother you, though, since you didn't like cooking in the first place. Plus, with your luck, Jungkook would just eat everything before you could.

You dove right in, admiring each bite of food. Not only were you eating slow to enhance the flavor, but you were also deep in thought about the one and only Jungkook.

The way you spoke of him made it seem like you knew him for years, but in reality, it had been a little over a day since you met him. He was as cliche as cliche gets.

Typical playboy who swears he has a list of girls waiting for him.

Sure, he had the looks, but you didn't know him enough to think he had a good personality. In the past twenty eight hours, you learned that he was annoying and stubborn. That alone was enough to make you not like him.

The sound of a phone notification suddenly caught your attention. You grabbed your phone from your pocket and turned it on, noticing that it was an e-mail from the university.

You figured it was some sort of welcome letter, and you were right. It read "WELCOME TO YONSEI UNIVERSITY" in a bold font at the top, and went on to explain more class information. At the very bottom, it provided some essential links as well as a PDF map of the school.

As you scanned through the links, one caught your attention. You hovered your finger over it hesitantly, then clicked on it.

It brought you to a website titled "DORM INFORMATION". Surely, you thought, there has to be a way to change roommates.

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