TWENTY: Twenty First

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By the third day, you got used to Jungkooks touch. You were growing comfortable with your nightly routine: Come home from working on your computer science project, strip down to your bra and a pair of shorts (which still took some getting used to, but you powered through), and allow Jungkook to continue working.

Your conversations usually died down after about thirty minutes, but now, the silence didn't bother you. While he was using you as his assignment, you allowed yourself to work on some of your homework as well. You decided on reading your book for your literature class as you stood perfectly still.

You had done this the day before as well, but today, after about thirty minutes, you began getting a headache. You rubbed your temples before tossing your book onto your bed. It landed with a loud thud which shocked you, but not Jungkook.

He was focused. In the zone, one might say. Sometimes you tapped his head to be annoying, but he wouldn't react. When you would mutter jokes to yourself, he would never respond. You couldn't tell if he was super focused or just had a great poker face.

Once your hands were free, you let them rest against your side. You hadn't realized how badly they were aching until you finally tossed your book. In the bottom right of your peripheral, you saw Jungkook staring intensely at one spot of the dress. He blinked, squinted his eyes, then grabbed his pin and needle.

"I like the dress," You spoke up. His eyes flashed up to you, then back to the dress.

"Thanks," He replied quietly. You were surprised to hear his voice after nearly half an hour of dead silence.

Awkwardly, you began to swing your arms back and forth. Out of nowhere, he grabbed your waist and twisted you to your left. Now, instead of facing your bed, you were facing the window that separated the room in half.

You could feel Jungkook brush away some of your hair. It was rather long, and reached down to your lower back. You had been growing it out for nearly an entire year.

When that wasn't enough, Jungkook asked aloud, "Do you have a hair tie?"

The hair tie on your wrist always seemed to come in handy. You slipped it off and held it up. "I always do."

Without a word, Jungkook grabbed it and began balling your hair up. His fingers ran against your scalp as you realized what he was doing: he was tying your hair up.

For a man, you didn't have high expectations. Surely enough, your expectations were not met. When he was done tying your hair, a large chunk was left in front of your face, and you could feel one small strand tickling the back of your neck. It wasn't a perfect ponytail, but he tried, and it made you smile at the thought of it.

"You know, Jungkook," You began quietly, wondering if he'd even acknowledge that you were talking, "This is quite fun."

"Oh, really?" His words were flat and dull, and it was clear he was uninterested in what you were saying. Despite this, you continued.

"My ex used to do fashion design too. Did you know that?"

You could feel Jungkooks hands freeze for a second, then he continued sewing.

"Did he ever go to college for it?"

"Yeah... He got accepted into UCLA right before we broke up. In my opinion, he wasn't particularly great at the skill. And I'm not saying that just because we broke up-"

"UCLA. Was he Korean?"

"Born and raised," You replied simply, thinking back to your ex. Broken thoughts gathered in your mind, painting a picture of the man you onced loved.

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