NINE: Sorority

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"A sorority?"

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"A sorority?"

"Yeah! Like those groups that—"

"Yeji, I know what a sorority is. What I'm confused about is why you of all people would want to join one," You spoke into the phone, readjusting it to your ear. You could hear your friend sigh on the other end.

"Honoka was talking about this one sorority called Erin Phi Delta. She says it's one of the most sought after sororities on campus," Yeji explained. "If you get in, your automatically popular."

You knew Yeji was forever stuck in a Disney movie. She believed popularity still existed outside of high school, and not only that, but that popularity actually mattered in college.

Still, you knew what Yeji was trying to hint at. She struggled to be social with other people, therefore, the sorority would help her automatically socialize. You, on the other hand, were not looking to socialize with anyone.

"Is Honoka joining? Why don't you join with her?" You asked. Honoka was her roommate, and Yeji seemed to like her.

"Honoka doesn't want to join. She's already busy. But she's a second year student, so she's heard all about this sorority thing," Yeji sighed.

You never really had a thing for sororities. When you first came to Yonsei, the long list of sororities surprised you, but not enough to make you want to join one. Now you were being begged by Yeji, someone who swore weeks prior that sororities were the dumbest thing on earth.

"Come on, Y/N. Please join with me!"

You rolled your eyes as your friend continuously pleaded over the phone. Finally, you spoke up. "Fine, I'll join the stupid sorority. Where do we even sign up at?"

"There's an interest meeting later tonight. I'll textyoutheinformationgottagobye!" When you heard the phone suddenly hang up, you pursed your lips shut. Yeji always seemed to know the ways around your obstacles.

Now you had no choice but to go to the meeting.


The biggest question you had that day was,

What do people even wear to a sorority interest meeting?

But once you saw several groups of girls and guys dressed out as if it were New York fashion week, you had your answer. The only problem was, you totally stood out from everyone else in your jeans, pink top, and soft brown shoes.

Yeji, on the other hand, was making a statement with her outfit per usual. Then again, she could wear a trash bag and pull it off.

The interest meeting took place at some psychology building you had never seen before. There was over a hundred people cramped up into a tiny space, trying to find the best area to stand. It felt like a house party, and all that was missing was the loud music and red solo cups.

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