TWENTY TWO: Sweet and Sour

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Implement an efficient sorting algorithm for large datasets...

Implement an efficient sorting algorithm...


"Ugh!" You sighed, smashing your head down onto your desk. Your forehead managed to smash a few of your keyboard keys, resulting in numerous V's and B's appearing on the search bar.

It was nearly one in the morning, and you found yourself working on more homework. After holding off for several hours, you decided that ten at night would be the perfect time to begin working on assignments that were due the next day.

A quick glance into the reflection of your other monitor showed you that Jungkook was asleep. He didn't snore (thankfully), but every so often he let out tiny huffs of air that were so quiet, you could barely notice them. His blanket was slipping off the edge of the bed, and his pillow was smushed under his neck. He didn't care to change after coming home from classes earlier, so you recognized the same black jeans and white shirt he had been wearing.

Curious, you glanced over your shoulder, taking a better look at your roommate. He slept so peacefully that it made you jealous. You wanted to sleep as well, but after taking a five hour nap just some time ago, you had too much energy to fall asleep.

With a sigh, you rolled your computer chair away from your desk and stood up. It had just freshly turned one in the morning, and you decided it was the perfect time to give up on everything school related and take a break by watching a movie.

Movies weren't your thing, but you had nothing else to do.

Grabbing nothing but your phone and a hair tie, you quietly headed for the living room. You weren't sure if you could title it such, seeing as there was one loveseat, an incredibly small coffee table, and a TV that was hung oddly high, but it was definitely a room.

"With the weather changes in the forecast, you may feel some humidity in the air..."

Immediately upon finding the remote and turning on the TV, the device began spewing words at a loud volume. You weren't sure if it was because it was so late at night, but everything seemed much louder. In a panic, you rushed to turn down the volume. Once it hit level four, you fell back into the couch, relieved.

The movie you decided on was called Sweet and Sour. It didn't take long to choose, since it was the very first movie to pop up on the Netflix screen. As the introduction music played, you readjusted your body alongside the couch.

Everything in the dorm was silent. Almost.

You quickly realized that it wasn't just the television making noise, but rather, the hallway. Your head jolted up, noticing a shadowy figure growing in the hallway. As expected, your heart began to beat faster until Jungkooks lousy self appeared just a few feet from you.

"Y/N?" He called out, rather quietly. His voice was low and raspy, and quite honestly didn't sound like him.

"Yeah?" You responded, reaching for the remote. Jungkook didn't say anything back to you, but instead, sat next to you on the couch. He looked at you for some time, then looked at the film on the television screen.

"You're watching this?" He asked, running his fingers through his hair. You noticed it was messy in the back from sleeping on it.

You quickly told him it was called Sweet and Sour, then added that he needed to be quiet or else you'd tape his mouth shut. You got a small chuckle out of him, and surprisingly, no back talk.

As you sat there, you couldn't help but wonder when Jungkook was going to leave. You didn't expect him to actually sit there with you, but you also didn't expect him to sit quietly and watch. The silence between the two of you made you feel uncomfortable.

You hitched a breath, looking for something to say. Yet alas, you couldn't seem to find the words.

"Am I not allowed to watch the movie?" Jungkook suddenly said, catching you off guard. It was only then that you realized you had been staring at him for an odd amount of time.

You looked away, "N-No, you can watch it. I didn't think you'd like it."

"I've watched it before. It's a pretty good movie."

You slowly nodded, then resumed your attention back to the movie. Now that Jungkook was intrigued, you became bored. You looked over at the kitchen, noticing your cooking mess from a few days ago.

The walls appeared more blue due to the light from the television. It made you want to paint the walls.

On the floor, right by the coffee table, layed a dead spider that Jungkook had killed just hours before. You pointed it out when you got home from your classes, but you never realized Jungkook actually killed it. Sitting right next to it, a single tennis shoe. His tennis shoe.

Quietly, you stood up, announcing that you were going to get a glass of water. You walked over to the kitchen, grabbed a random glass, then began filling it with warm tap water.

You rested your upper torso along the island counter, watching the television screen from a distance. You could see the back of Jungkooks head, and if you angled yourself ever so slightly, you could see his jaw-dropping side profile.

You hadn't had much time to reflect on how weird the whole "rooming-with-a-male" situation was, but it was especially during times like this where you couldn't help but think of how odd it was. Sitting on that very couch could've been your new best friend, but instead, it was a walking STD.

A cute one, at that.

Any other girl would've thrown themselves at him in a heartbeat, yet you found it within yourself to have enough self respect to not do that. Yet every single time you looked at your roommate— especially now, with his messy hair, perfect side profile, and blue light hitting his face in all the right places— you couldn't help but feel your self respect slipping away. Slowly, but surely.

Your roommate was hot, and there was no way to think otherwise.


This is kinda just a filler chapter. The next few chapters will be pretty good I think :)

 The next few chapters will be pretty good I think :)

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