TEN: Rules

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When you got the email that your last class of the day was cancelled, you couldn't have been more excited

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When you got the email that your last class of the day was cancelled, you couldn't have been more excited. Your literature professor was in the process of getting over being ill and figured he needed another rest day.

You almost texted Yeji about your new profound freedom, but you remembered she was in class. Instead of annoying the girl, you decided to just head back to your dorm room.

The weather that day had been perfect. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and even the harsh wind couldn't tear down your mood. The air was warm and the harsh sun beating down on your scalp brought a smile to your face.

Campus was quiet. Off in the distance, you could hear the sound of students laughing and cars driving down the nearby road. You missed having your car. It was now long gone, sold to a man with eight dogs.

It was a weird tradeoff, but you got good money for it.

When the sliding doors of the dormitory building opened, you were hit with a blast of cold air. It immediately cooled you off.

Quiet music played as you strolled over to the elevator. You hit a button and waited for an elevator to become available. When the doors of one opened to reveal an empty elevator, you stepped in, pressed for the fifth floor, then patiently waited.

The ride took no longer than fifteen seconds. The old doors creaked open, revealing a brightly lit hallway. The dark-colored tile floors looked like they had just been cleaned. They had circular mop wipes on every tile.

You carefully walked up to your door and reached for the handle. You were getting used to not knocking, so hesitantly, you swung open the door.

You made your presence known by slamming the door shut, causing the shoe rack beside you to slightly rattle. You slid off your shoes and made a beeline for the bedroom.

The second you set your bag down at the foot of the bed, you heard the bathroom door opened. Footsteps followed, revealing Jungkook, who stood just a few feet away from you. His face was flushed red and his hair was wet. He was drying it off with a towel.

"Hey," He greeted you.

You warmly smiled. "Hey. You're here early," You said, unzipping your bag in order to search for your phone. When you found it, you set it on your bed.

"Y-Yeah. I could say the same for you." His body stood frozen in the doorway. He didn't appear suspicious at first, but when you asked him to scoot over, he barely moved an inch.

When you asked him again to move from the doorway, he then turned, blocking your access to the bathroom. You huffed a sigh.

"Enough games, Jungkook. I need to piss," You demanded, setting your hands on your hips.

You backed him all the way up until his back hit the bathroom door. It was closed.

He was hiding something and you knew it.

"For fucks sake!" You snapped, grabbing a hold of his shirt with your fists, "Just move already!" In a moment of fury, you managed to shove the all-muscle man over to the side fast enough for your hand to wrap around the door handle.

You quickly pushed it open to— very unexpectedly— reveal a blonde woman wrapped in a towel. She screamed, you screamed, then you nearly fainted. Your sudden need to use the bathroom was there no longer.

Instead, your feet carried you over to your bedroom, where you immediately fell to the floor. Your knees hit the carpet forcefully, sending a shooting pain through the rest of your body.

Whoever that woman was, it wasn't Jihyo. But you weren't particularly focused on that, though it did linger in your mind.

Jungkook managed to break the one rule you made for him. This was the second time that you've walked in on an unexpected scene. The only difference was, the first woman was clothed. This blonde girl was not.

Jungkook abruptly came running down the hallway, then stopped in the doorway. He stared at you practically dry heaving on the ground.

"Y/N, listen, I—"

"I shower in that bathroom! I bathe in that bathroom! I—" You couldn't stop yourself at that point— "Hell, I shit in that bathroom! You have ruined my only source of peace in this house!"

Your palms rushed to your face, where you covered your seething expression. You took a deep breath, but not to calm yourself. Instead, you were getting ready to continue on with your rant.

"I could've been a bitch and gave you a list of one hundred dorm rules, but no. I gave you one. One, Jungkook!" You stressed his name, letting your head fall against the side of your bed.

He remained quiet. He stood cautiously, watching as you lost your mind right on the bedroom floor.

"Was I asking for too much? Huh?" He didn't answer. Instead, his hands slowly dropped down to his side. He mustered up a small sigh before looking away.

You looked him dead in the eye before giving him one last statement: "Get away from me. Just for an hour. And take your naked lady with you while your at it."

Surprisingly, he didn't argue with you. He walked down the hallway, and after some time, you heard the front door open and shut.

You were in complete silence. Your heart was racing fast, and your mind was spinning. You had definitely went a little overboard with your rant, but there was no other way you could've expressed your anger in that moment.

You lifted yourself to your feet and sat on the edge of your bed. You reached for your phone and turned it on, going directly to your internet browser. Once you were there, you typed three words:

Yonsei Dormitory Issues.

You clicked on the first link it showed, which was the same link you had visited the week before. It stated some nonsense, showed some pictures, then towards the bottom of the page, listed a phone number to schedule a meeting.

You immediately entered in the number onto your cell then hit call. It rung once, twice, thrice, then it went to voicemail.

You were officially about to lose your mind.



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